The Hadoop Ecosystem, Visualized in Datameer by Rich Taylor.
From the post:
In our last post, Christophe explained why Datameer uses D3.js to power our Business Infographic™ designer. I thought I would follow up his post showing how we visualized the Hadoop ecosystem connections. First using only D3.js, and second using Datameer 2.0.
Visualizations of the Hadoop Ecosystem are colorful, amusing, instructive, but probably not useful per se.
What is useful is the demonstration of that using Datameer 2.0 can drastically reduce the time required for you to make a visualization.
Which results in you having more time to explore and find visualizations that are useful as opposed to being visualizations for the sake of visualization.
We can all think of network (“hairball” was the technical term used in a paper I read recently) visualizations that would be useful if we were super-boy/girl but otherwise, not so much.
I first saw this at Cloudera.