Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

July 2, 2012

igraph and structured text exploration

Filed under: Graphics,igraph,R,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 5:59 pm

igraph and structured text exploration

From the post:

I am in the slow process of developing a package to bridge structured text formats (i.e. classroom transcripts) with the tons of great R packages that visualize and analyze quantitative data (If you care to play with a rough build of this package (qdap) see: One of the packages qdap will bridge to is igraph.

A while back I came across a blog post on igraph and word statistics (LINK). It inspired me to learn a little bit about graphing and the igraph package and provided a nice intro to learn. As I play with this terrific package I feel it is my duty to share my experiences with others who are just starting out with igraph as well. The following post is a script and the plots created with a word frequency matrix (similar to a term document matrix from the tm package) and igraph:

A very nice introduction to the use of igraph for exploring texts.

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