Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

June 23, 2012

NICT Daedalus: 3D Real-Time Cyber-Attack Alert Visualization

Filed under: Graphics,Security,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 6:10 pm

NICT Daedalus: 3D Real-Time Cyber-Attack Alert Visualization

From Information Aesthetics, a really nice 3-D graphic:

3D real-time graphics, rapidly moving particles and dangerous cyber attacks: it is all there.

The visualization system is called the “NICT Daedalus Cyber-attack alert system”, where Daedalus stands for “Direct Alert Environment for Darknet and Livenet Unified Security.” The system is specifically developed to observe large groups of computers for any suspicious activity, as it visualizes any suspected activity as it moves through the network.

Points to:, for a video of system.

Impressive demo in real time!

But the demo does not include the integration of information from other information and/or security systems.

Such as physical security systems indicating the presence/absence of particular users, where particular users enter secure facilities, etc.

Network based cyber-attacks are an important security vector but other, less sophisticated avenues for attack, can be ignored only at your peril.

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