An Example of Social Network Analysis with R using Package igraph by Yanchang Zhao.
From the post:
This post presents an example of social network analysis with R using package igraph.
The data to analyze is Twitter text data of @RDataMining used in the example of Text Mining, and it can be downloaded as file “termDocMatrix.rdata” at the Data webpage. Putting it in a general scenario of social networks, the terms can be taken as people and the tweets as groups on LinkedIn, and the term-document matrix can then be taken as the group membership of people. We will build a network of terms based on their co-occurrence in the same tweets, which is similar with a network of people based on their group memberships.
I like the re-use of traditional social network analysis with tweets.
And the building of a network of terms based on co-occurrence.
May or may not serve your purposes but:
If you don’t look, you won’t see.