Basic Fuzzing Framework (BFF) From CERT – Linux & Mac OSX Fuzzer Tool
Opportunities for topic maps are just about everywhere! 😉
From the post:
The CERT Basic Fuzzing Framework (BFF) is a software testing tool that finds defects in applications that run on the Linux and Mac OS X platforms. BFF performs mutational fuzzing on software that consumes file input. (Mutational fuzzing is the act of taking well-formed input data and corrupting it in various ways, looking for cases that cause crashes.) The BFF automatically collects test cases that cause software to crash in unique ways, as well as debugging information associated with the crashes. The goal of BFF is to minimize the effort required for software vendors and security researchers to efficiently discover and analyze security vulnerabilities found via fuzzing.
Traditionally fuzzing has been very effective at finding security vulnerabilities, but because of its inherently stochastic nature results can be highly dependent on the initial configuration of the fuzzing system. BFF applies machine learning and evolutionary computing techniques to minimize the amount of manual configuration required to initiate and complete an effective fuzzing campaign. BFF adjusts its configuration parameters based on what it finds (or does not find) over the course of a fuzzing campaign. By doing so it can dramatically increase both the efficacy and efficiency of the campaign. As a result, expert knowledge is not required to configure an effective fuzz campaign, and novices and experts alike can start finding and analyzing vulnerabilities very quickly.
Topic maps would be useful for mapping vulnerabilities across networks by application/OS and other uses.