Auto Tagging Articles using Semantic Analysis and Machine Learning
The idea is to implement an auto tagging feature that provides tags automatically to the user depending upon the content of the post. The tags will get populated as soon as the user leaves the focus on the content text area or via ajax on the press of a button.I’ll be using semantic analysis and topic modeling techniques to judge the topic of the article and extract keywords also from it. Based on an algorithm and a ranking mechanism the user will be provided with a list of tags from which he can select those that best describe the article and also train a user-content specific semi-supervised machine learning model in the background.
A Drupal sandbox for work on auto tagging posts.
Or, topic map authoring without being “in your face.”
Depends on how you read “tags.”
[…] top: "+=100" }, "slow"); //.effect("bounce", { times: 5}, 300); }, 1000); }); (via @news_Kutatos18) – Today, 12:32 […]
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