Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 2, 2012

Google BigQuery and the Github Data Challenge

Filed under: Contest,Data,Google BigQuery — Patrick Durusau @ 10:54 am

Google BigQuery and the Github Data Challenge

Deadline May 21, 2012

From the post:

Github has made data on its code repositories, developer updates, forks etc. from the public GitHub timeline available for analysis, and is offering prizes for the most interesting visualization of the data. Sounds like a great challenge for R programmers! The R language is currently the 26th most popular on GitHub (up from #29 in December), and it would be interesting to visualize the usage of R compared to other languages, for example. The deadline for submissions to the contest is May 21.

Interestingly, GitHub has made this data available on the Google BigQuery service, which is available to the public today. BigQuery was free to use while it was in beta test, but Google is now charging for storage of the data: $0.12 per gigabyte per month, up to $240/month (the service is limited to 2TB of storage – although there a Premier offering that supports larger data sizes … at a price to be negotiated). While members of the public can run SQL-like queries on the GitHub data for free, Google is charging subscribers to the service 3.5 cents per Gb processed in the query: this is measured by the source data accessed (although columns of data not referenced aren't counted); the size of the result set doesn't matter.

Watch your costs but thoughts on how you would visualize the data?

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