Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 25, 2012


Filed under: Marketing,Open Data — Patrick Durusau @ 6:26 pm

NYCFacets: Smart Open Data Exchange

From the FAQ:

Smart Open Data Exchange?

A: We just don’t catalog the metadata for each datasource. We squeeze additional metadata – extrametadata as we call it, and correlate all the datasources to allow Open Data Users to see the “forest for the trees”. Or in the case of NYC – the “city for the streets”? (TODO: find urban equivalent of “See Forest for the Trees“)

The “Smart” comes from a process we call “Crowdknowing” – leveraging metadata + extrametadata to score each dataset from various perspectives, automatically correlate them, and in the near future, perform semi-automatic domain mapping.


A: Derived Metadata – Statistics (Quantitative and Qualitative), Ontologies, Semantic Mappings, Inferences, Federated Queries, Scores, Curations, Annotations plus various other Machine and Human-powered signals through a process we call “Crowdknowing“.


A: Human-powered, machine-accelerated, collective knowledge systems cataloging metadata + derived extrametadata (derived using semantics, statistics, algorithm and the crowd). At this stage, the human-powered aspect is not emphasized because we found that the NYC Data Catalog community is still in its infancy – there were very few comments and ratings. But we hope to help improve that over time as we crawl secondary signals (e.g. votes and comments in NYCBigApps, Challengepost and Appstores; Facebook likes; Tweets, etc.).

OK, it was covered as the winner of the most recent NYCBigApps contest but I thought it needed a separate shout-out.

Take a close look at what this site has done with a minimum of software and some clever thinking.

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