Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

April 21, 2012

On multi-form data

Filed under: MongoDB,NoSQL — Patrick Durusau @ 4:35 pm

On multi-form data

From the post:

I read an excellent debrief on a startup’s experience with MongoDB, called “A Year with MongoDB”.

It was excellent due to its level of detail. Some of its points are important — particularly global write lock and uncompressed field names, both issues that needlessly afflict large MongoDB clusters and will likely be fixed eventually.

However, it’s also pretty clear from this post that they were not using MongoDB in the best way.

An interesting take on when and just as importantly, when not to use MongoDB.

As NoSQL offerings mature, are we doing to see more of this sort of treatment or will more treatments like this drive the maturity of NoSQL offerings?

Pointers to “more like this?” (not just on MongoDB but other NoSQL offerings as well)

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