Lucene Core 3.6.0 and Solr 3.6.0 Available
You weren’t seriously planning on doing Spring cleaning this weekend were you?
Thanks to the Lucene/Solr release, which you naturally have to evaluate before Monday, that has been pushed off another week.
Hopefully something big will drop in the Hadoop ecosystem this coming week or perhaps from one of the graph databases. Will keep an eye out.
The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce the availability of Apache Lucene 3.6.0 and Apache Solr 3.6.0
Lucene can be downloaded from and Solr can be downloaded from
Highlights of the Lucene release include:
- In addition to Java 5 and Java 6, this release has now full Java 7 support (minimum JDK 7u1 required).
- TypeTokenFilter filters tokens based on their TypeAttribute.
- Fixed offset bugs in a number of CharFilters, Tokenizers and TokenFilters that could lead to exceptions during highlighting.
- Added phonetic encoders: Metaphone, Soundex, Caverphone, Beider-Morse, etc.
- CJKBigramFilter and CJKWidthFilter replace CJKTokenizer.
- Kuromoji morphological analyzer tokenizes Japanese text, producing both compound words and their segmentation.
- Static index pruning (Carmel pruning) removes postings with low within-document term frequency.
- QueryParser now interprets ‘*’ as an open end for range queries.
- FieldValueFilter excludes documents missing the specified field.
- CheckIndex and IndexUpgrader allow you to specify the specific FSDirectory implementation to use with the new -dir-impl command-line option.
- FSTs can now do reverse lookup (by output) in certain cases and can be packed to reduce their size. There is now a method to retrieve top N shortest paths from a start node in an FST.
- New WFSTCompletionLookup suggester supports finer-grained ranking for suggestions.
- FST based suggesters now use an offline (disk-based) sort, instead of in-memory sort, when pre-sorting the suggestions.
- ToChildBlockJoinQuery joins in the opposite direction (parent down to child documents).
- New query-time joining is more flexible (but less performant) than index-time joins.
- Added HTMLStripCharFilter to strip HTML markup.
- Security fix: Better prevention of virtual machine SIGSEGVs when using MMapDirectory: Code using cloned IndexInputs of already closed indexes could possibly crash VM, allowing DoS attacks to your application.
- Many bug fixes.
Highlights of the Solr release include:
- New SolrJ client connector using Apache Http Components http client (SOLR-2020)
- Many analyzer factories are now ‘multi term query aware’ allowing for things like field type aware lowercasing when building prefix & wildcard queries. (SOLR-2438)
- New Kuromoji morphological analyzer tokenizes Japanese text, producing both compound words and their segmentation. (SOLR-3056)
- Range Faceting (Dates & Numbers) is now supported in distributed search (SOLR-1709)
- HTMLStripCharFilter has been completely re-implemented, fixing many bugs and greatly improving the performance (LUCENE-3690)
- StreamingUpdateSolrServer now supports the javabin format (SOLR-1565)
- New LFU Cache option for use in Solr’s internal caches. (SOLR-2906)
- Memory performance improvements to all FST based suggesters (SOLR-2888)
- New WFSTLookupFactory suggester supports finer-grained ranking for suggestions. (LUCENE-3714)
- New options for configuring the amount of concurrency used in distributed searches (SOLR-3221)
- Many bug fixes