A new RDFa Test Harness by Gregg Kellogg.
From the post:
This is an introductory blog post on the creation of a new RDFa Test Suite. Here we discuss the use of Sinatra, Backbone.js and Bootstrap.js to run the test suite. Later will come articles on the usefulness of JSON-LD as a means of driving a test harness, generating test reports, and the use of BrowserID to deal with Distributed Denial of Service attacks that cropped up overnight.
Interesting but strikes me a formal/syntax validation of the RDFa in question. Useful, but only up to a point. Yes?
Can you point me to an RDFa or RDF test harness that tests the semantic “soundness” of the claims made in RDFa or RDF?
Quite easily may exist and I have just not seen it.