A Parallel Architecture for In-Line Data De-duplication by Seetendra Singh Sengar, Manoj Mishra. (2012 Second International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies)
Recently, data de-duplication, the hot emerging technology, has received a broad attention from both academia and industry. Some researches focus on the approach by which more redundant data can be reduced and others investigate how to do data de-duplication at high speed. In this paper, we show the importance of data de-duplication in the current digital world and aim at reducing the time and space requirement for data de-duplication. Then, we present a parallel architecture with one node designated as a server and multiple storage nodes. All the nodes, including the server, can do block level in-line de-duplication in parallel. We have built a prototype of the system and present some performance results. The proposed system uses magnetic disks as a storage technology.
Apologies but all I have at the moment is the abstract.