Exploring Wikipedia with Gremlin Graph Traversals by Marko Rodriguez.
From the post:
There are numerous ways in which Wikipedia can be represented as a graph. The articles and the href hyperlinks between them is one way. This type of graph is known a single-relational graph because all the edges have the same meaning — a hyperlink. A more complex rendering could represent the people discussed in the articles as “people-vertices” who know other “people-vertices” and that live in particular “city-vertices” and work for various “company-vertices” — so forth and so on until what emerges is a multi-relational concept graph. For the purpose of this post, a middle ground representation is used. The vertices are Wikipedia articles and Wikipedia categories. The edges are hyperlinks between articles as well as taxonomical relations amongst the categories.
If you aren’t interested in graph representations of data before reading this post, it is likely you will be afterwards.
Take a few minutes to read it and then let me know what you think.