Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 19, 2012


Filed under: Functional Programming — Patrick Durusau @ 7:38 pm


From the post:

Prompted by some recent work I’ve been doing on reasoning about monadic computations, I’ve been looking back at the work from the 1990s by Phil Trinder, Limsoon Wong, Leonidas Fegaras, Torsten Grust, and others, on monad comprehensions as a framework for database queries.

The idea goes back to the adjunction between extension and intension in set theory—you can define a set by its extension, that is by listing its elements:

\displaystyle  \{ 1, 9, 25, 49, 81 \}

or by its intension, that is by characterizing those elements:

\displaystyle  \{ n^2 \mid 0 < n < 10 \land n \equiv 1 (\mathop{mod} 2) \}

Expressions in the latter form are called set comprehensions. They inspired a programming notation in the SETL language from NYU, and have become widely known through list comprehensions in languages like Haskell. The structure needed of sets or of lists to make this work is roughly that of a monad, and Phil Wadler showed how to generalize comprehensions to arbitrary monads, which led to the “do” notation in Haskell. Around the same time, Phil Trinder showed that comprehensions make a convenient database query language. The comprehension notation has been extended to cover other important aspects of database queries, particularly aggregation and grouping. Monads and aggregations have very nice algebraic structure, which leads to a useful body of laws to support database query optimization.

If you are interesting in functional programming and/or “database query optimization” you will enjoy this post.

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