Neo4j on Heroku Part 1 starts out:
On his blog Marko A. Rodriguez showed us how to make A Graph-Based Movie Recommender Engine with Gremlin and Neo4j.
In this two part series, we are going to take his work from the Gremlin shell and put it on the web using the Heroku Neo4j add-on and altering the Neovigator project for our use case. Heroku has a great article on how to get an example Neo4j application up and running on their Dev Center and Michael Hunger shows you how to add JRuby extensions and provides sample code using the Neo4j.rb Gem by Andreas Ronge.
We are going to follow their recipe, but we are going to add a little spice. Instead of creating a small 2 node, 1 relationship graph, I am going to show you how to leverage the power of Gremlin and Groovy to build a much larger graph from a set of files.
Neo4j on Heroku Part 2 starts out:
We are picking up where we left off on Neo4j on Heroku –Part One so make sure you’ve read it or you’ll be a little lost. So far, we have cloned the Neoflix project, set up our Heroku application and added the Neo4j add-on to our application. We are now ready to populate our graph.
CAUTION: Part 2 populates the graph with over one million relationships! If you are looking for trivial uses of Neo4j, you had better stop here in part 2.
Neo4j on Heroku Part3 starts out:
This week we learned that leaving the create_graph method accessible to the world was a bad idea. So let’s go ahead and delete that route in Sinatra, and instead create a Rake Task for it.
And announces the Neo4j Challenge!
Thanks Max De Marzi!