From the news:
After six years of gestation, Hadoop reaches 1.0.0! This release is from the 0.20-security code line, and includes support for:
- security
- HBase (append/hsynch/hflush, and security)
- webhdfs (with full support for security)
- performance enhanced access to local files for HBase
- other performance enhancements, bug fixes, and features
Please see the complete Hadoop 1.0.0 Release Notes for details.
With the release prior to this one being 0.22.0, I was reminded that of a publication by the Union of Concerned Scientists that had a clock on the cover, showing how close or how far away the world was to a nuclear “midnight.” Always counting towards midnight, except for one or more occasions when more time was added. The explanation I remember was that these were nuclear scientists, not clock experts. 😉
I am sure there will be some explanation for the jump in revisions that will pass into folklore and then into publications about Hadoop.
In the meantime, I would suggest that we all download copies and see what 2012 holds with Hadoop 1.0 under our belts.