A listing of search engines in the following categories:
- keyword search
- index or directory based
- multi or meta search engines
- visual results
- category
- blended results
There are fifty-three (53) entries so plenty to choose from if you are bored with your current search “experience.”
Not to mention learning about different ways to present search results to users.
BTW, if you run across a blog mentioning that AllPlus was listed in two separate categories, like this one, realize that SearchLion was also listed in two separate categories.
Search engines are an important topic for topic mappers because it is one of the places where semantic impedance and the lack of useful organization of information is a major time sink for all users.
Getting 400,000 “hits” is just a curiosity, getting 402 “hits,” in a document archive like I did this morning, is a considerable amount of content but a manageable one.
No, it wasn’t a topic map that I was searching but the results may well find themselves into a topic map.