Whentotweet.com – Twitter analytics for the masses
From the post:
Twitter handles an amazing number of Tweets – over 200 million tweets are sent per day.
We saw that many Twitter users were tweeting interesting content but much of it was lost in the constant stream of tweets.
Whentotweet.com is born
While there were many tools for corporate Twitter users that performed deep analytics and provided insight into their tweets, there were none that answered the most basic question: what time of the day are my followers actually using Twitter?
And so the idea behind Whentotweet was born. In its current form, Whentotweet analyzes when your followers tweet and gives you a personalized recommendation of the best time of day to tweet to reach as many as possible.
I mention this in part so that you may become better at getting your messages about topic maps out over Twitter.
An equally pragmatic reason is that the success of topic maps depends on the identification of use cases that will seem perfectly natural once you suggest them. Take this site/service as an example of meeting a need that is “obvious” once someone pointed it out.
Try it at: www.whentotweet.com