Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 8, 2011


Filed under: Aggregation,DSL,JSON,SQL — Patrick Durusau @ 7:59 pm

QL.IO – A declarative, data-retrieval and aggregation gateway for quickly consuming HTTP APIs.

From the about page:

A SQL and JSON inspired DSL

SQL is quite a powerful DSL to retrieve, filter, project, and join data — see efforts like A co-Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks, LINQ, YQL, or unQL for examples. combines SQL, JSON, and a few procedural style constructs into a compact language. Scripts written in this language can make HTTP requests to retrieve data, perform joins between API responses, project responses, or even make requests in a loop. But note that’s scripting language is not SQL – it is SQL inspired.


Most real-world client apps need to mashup data from multiple APIs in one go. Data mashup is often complicated as client apps need to worry about order of requests, inter-dependencies, error handling, and parallelization to reduce overall latency.’s scripts are procedural in appearance but are executed out of order based on dependencies. Some statements may be scheduled in parallel and some in series based on a dependency analysis done at script compile time. The compilation is an on-the-fly process.

Consumer Centric Interfaces

APIs are designed for reuse, and hence they cater to the common denominator. Getting new fields added, optimizing responses, or combining multiple requests into one involve drawn out negotiations between API producing teams and API consuming teams. lets API consuming teams move fast by creating consumer-centric interfaces that are optimized for the client – such optimized interfaces can reduce bandwidth usage and number of HTTP requests.

I can believe the “SQL inspired” part since it looks like keys/column headers are opaque. That is you an specify a key/column header but you can’t specify the identity of the subject it represents.

So, if you don’t know the correct term, you are SOL. Which isn’t the state of being inspired.

Still, it looks like an interesting effort that could develop to be non-opaque with regard to keys and possibly values. (The next stage is how do you learn what properties a subject representative has for the purpose of subject recognition.)

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