Common Lisp is the best language to learn programming
From the post:
Now that Conrad Barski’s Land of Lisp (see my review on Slashdot) has come out, I definitely think Common Lisp is the best language for kids (or anyone else) to start learning computer programming.
Not trying to start a language war but am curious about two resources cited in this post:
Common Lisp the language, 2nd edition
My curiosity?
How would you map these two resources into a single topic map on Lisp?
Is there any third resource, perhaps the “Land of Lisp” that you would like to add?
Any blogs, mailing list posts, etc.?
Would that topic map be any different if you decided to add Scheme or Haskell to your topic map?
If this were a “learning lisp” resource for beginning programmers, how would you limit the amount of information exposed?