Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE) is Now Open Source by Eric Clayberg.
From the post:
Today is quite a milestone for the Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE). Our team is very happy to announce that all of GPE (including GWT Designer) is open source under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) v1.0. GPE is a set of software development tools that enables Java developers to quickly design, build, optimize, and deploy cloud-based applications using the Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Speed Tracer, App Engine, and other Google Cloud services.
As of today, all of the code is available directly from the new GPE project and GWT Designer project on Google Code. Note that GWT Designer itself is based upon the WindowBuilder open source project at (contributed by Google last year). We will be adopting the same guidelines for contributing code used by the GWT project.
Important for the reasons given but also one possible model for topic map services. What if your topic map services were hosted in the cloud and developers could write against against it? That is they would not have to concern themselves with the niceties of topic maps but simply request the information of interest to them, using tools you have provided to make that easier for them.
Take for example the Statement of Disbursements that I covered recently. If that were hosted as a topic map in the cloud, a developer, say working for a resturant promoter, might want to query the topic map for who frequents eateries in a particular area. They are not concerned with the merging that has to take place between various budgets and the alignment of those merges with individuals, etc. They are looking for a list of places with House members alphabetically sorted after it.