Introduction to Spring Data Neo4j by Michael Hunger.
From the post:
The Spring Data Neo4j project has evolved to support the Neo4j graph data store within the Spring paradigm. With version 2.0 already at release candidate stage, now is a great time to learn how to extend your application’s persistence model to start using graphs instead of traditional relational stores. Neo4j expert, Michael Hunger, provides a guided tour of the technology and provides details on how to get started in this Introduction to Spring Data Neo4j.
Be forewarned that the audio is fairly poor quality.
Interesting, see time mark: 11:12, Google Image Search: ..graph OR network”
Displays slide full of different images but consider how they were obtained.
User had to specify “graph” or “network.”
This is what they call a “teaching moment.” 😉
First, a user who knows only “graph” or only “network” as a search term will retrieve less than all of the possible results.
Second, as users who do know both terms, we might decide to create a mapping between “graph” and “network” so that any user who searches for one gets those results, plus the results for the other.
Third, but if all we do is map two English terms together, with nothing more, on what basis is some subsequent user going to map terms to our mapping?
No topic map offers a universal solution to these issues but it can offer a solution for specified cases.