Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 15, 2011

Recall vs. Precision

Filed under: Precision,Recall — Patrick Durusau @ 7:57 pm

Recall vs. Precision by Gene Golovchinsky.

From the post:

Stephen Robertson’s talk at the CIKM 2011 Industry event caused me to think about recall and precision again. Over the last decade precision-oriented searches have become synonymous with web searches, while recall has been relegated to narrow verticals. But is precision@5 or NCDG@1 really the right way to measure the effectiveness of interactive search? If you’re doing a known-item search, looking up a common factoid, etc., then perhaps it is. But for most searches, even ones that might be classified as precision-oriented ones, the searcher might wind up with several attempts to get at the answer. Dan Russell’s a Google a day lists exactly those kinds of challenges: find a fact that’s hard to find.

So how should we think about evaluating the kinds of searches that take more than one query, ones we might term session-based searches?

Read the post and the comments more than once!

Then think about how you would answer the questions raised, in or out of a topic map context.

Much food for thought here.

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