From the features page:
RethinkDB is a persistent, industrial-strength key-value store with full support for the Memcached protocol.
Powerful technology
- Ten times faster on solid-state
- Linear scaling across cores
- Fine-grained durability control
- Instantaneous recovery on power failure
Supported core features
- Point queries
- Atomic increment/decrement
- Arbitrary atomic operations
- Append/prepend operations
- Values up to 10MB in size
- Pipelining support
- Row expiration support
- Multi-GET support
I particularly liked this line:
Can I use RethinkDB even if I don’t have solid-state drives in my infrastructure?
While RethinkDB performs best on dedicated commodity hardware that has a multicore processor and is backed by solid-state storage, it will still deliver a performance advantage both on rotational drives and in the cloud. (emphasis added to the answer)
Don’t worry your “rotational drives” and “cloud” account have not suddenly become obsolete. The skill you need to acquire before the next upgrade cycle is evaluating performance claims with your processes and data.
It doesn’t matter that all the UN documents can be retrieved in under sub-millisecond time, translated and served with a hot Danish if you don’t use the same format, have no need for translation and are more a custard tart fan. Vendor performance figures may attract your interest but your decision making should be driven by performance figures that represent your environment.
Build into the acquisition budget funding for your staff to replicate a representative subset of your data and processes for testing with vendor software/hardware. True enough, after the purchase you will probably toss that subset, but remember you will be living with the software purchase for years. And be known as the person who managed the project. Suddenly spending a little more money on making sure your requirements are met doesn’t sound so bad.