Bio4jExplorer: familiarize yourself with Bio4j nodes and relationships
From the post:
I just uploaded a new tool aimed to be used both as a reference manual and initial contact for Bio4j domain model: Bio4jExplorer
Bio4jExplorer allows you to:
- Navigate through all nodes and relationships
- Access the javadocs of any node or relationship
- Graphically explore the neighbourhood of a node/relationship
- Look up for the different indexes that may serve as an entry point for a node
- Check incoming/outgoing relationships of a specific node
- Check start/end nodes of a specific relationship
And take note:
For those interested on how this was done, on the server side I created an AWS SimpleDB database holding all the information about the model of Bio4j, i.e. everything regarding nodes, relationships, indexes… (here you can check the program used for creating this database using java aws sdk)
Meanwhile, in the client side I used Flare prefuse AS3 library for the graph visualization.
When people are this productive as well as a benefit to the community, I am deeply envious but glad for them (and the rest of us) at the same time. Simply must work harder. 😉