Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

October 2, 2011

DMO (Data Mining Ontology) Foundry

Filed under: Data Mining,Ontology — Patrick Durusau @ 6:37 pm

Email from Agnieszka Lawrynowicz advises:

We are happy to announce the opening of the DMO (Data Mining Ontology) Foundry (, an initiative designed to promote the development of ontologies representing the data mining domain. The DMO Foundry will gather the most significant ontologies concerning data mining and the different algorithms and resources that have been developed to support the knowledge discovery process.

Each ontology in the DMO Foundry is freely available for browsing and open discussion, as well as collaborative development, by data mining specialists all over the world. We cordially welcome all interested researchers and practitioners to join the initiative. To find out how you can participate in ontology development, click on the “How to join” tab at the top of the DMO-Foundry page.

To access and navigate an ontology, and contribute to it, click on the “Ontologies” tab, then on your selected ontology and its OWL Browser tool. As you browse, you can click on the “Comment” button to share your insights, criticisms, and suggestions on the concept or relation you are currently exploring. For more general comments, go the the “Forum” tab and post a message to initiate a discussion thread. Please note that until the end of March 2012, this site is being road-tested on the Data Mining OPtimization (DMOP) Ontology developed in the EU FP7 ICT project e-LICO (2009-2012). We are in contact with authors of other DM ontologies, but if you are developing a relevant ontology that you think we are not aware of, please set up a post in the Forum. You are also invited to contact us by writing to an email address

Sad to say but they have omitted topic maps from their ontology. I am writing up a post for the authors. At a minimum, the terms with PSIs at Others?

This sounds like a link I need to forward to the astronomy folks I mentioned in > 100 New KDD Models/Methods Appear Every Month. Could at least use the class listing as a starter set for mining journal literature.

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