From the post:
This post is in continuation of my last post – – in which I gave a brief introduction to Lucene.
There are many Web applications out there to provide access to data stored in a relational database, but what’s the easiest way to enable users to search through that data and find what they need? There are a number of query types that RDBMSs in general do not support without vendor extensions:
- Fuzzy queries, in which “fuzzy” and “wuzzy” are considered matches
- Word stemming queries, which consider “take,” “took,” and “taken” to be identical
- Sound-like queries, which consider “cat” and “kat” to be identical
- Synonym queries, which consider “jump,” “hop,” and “leap” to be identical
- Queries on binary BLOB data types, such as PDF documents, Microsoft Word or Excel documents, or HTML and XML documents
Hibernate Search brings the power of full text search engines to the persistence domain model by combining Hibernate Core with the capabilities of the Apache Lucene™ search engine. Even though Hibernate Search is using Apache Lucene™ under the hood you can always fallback to the native Lucene APIs if the need arises.
These posts were written against Hibernate 3.4.1. Just so you know, Hibernate 4.0.0 Alpha2 is out (8 September 2011).
Introduces the basics of Hibernate search.