STIR 2012 : ICDE 2012 Workshop on Spatio Temporal data Integration and Retrieval
When Apr 1, 2012 – Apr 1, 2012
Where Washington DC, USA
Submission Deadline Oct 21, 2011
From the notice:
International Workshop on Spatio Temporal data Integration and Retrieval (STIR2012) in conjunction with ICDE 2012
April 1, 2012, Washington DC, USA
As the world?s population increases and it puts increasing demands on the planet?s limited resources due to shifting life-styles, we not only need to monitor how we consume resources but also optimize resource usage. Some examples of the planet?s limited resources are water, energy, land, food and air. Today, significant challenges exist for reducing usage of these resources, while maintaining quality of life. The challenges range from understanding regionally varied impacts of global environmental change, through tracking diffusion of avian flu and responding to natural disasters, to adapting business practice to dynamically changing resources, markets and geopolitical situations. For these and many other challenges reference to location – and time – is the glue that connects disparate data sources. Furthermore, most of the systems and solutions that will be built to solve the above challenges are going to be heavily depend on structured data (generated by sensors and sensor based applications) which will be streaming in real-time, come in large volumes and will have spatial and temporal aspects to them.
This workshop is focused on making the research in information integration and retrieval more relevant to the challenges in systems with significant spatial and temporal components.
Sounds like they are playing our song!