Yes, I know that Gephi 0.8 is out in alpha release but this video is worth viewing, even though it is about the “old” version.
From the description:
The video highlights the following features:
- grouping: Group nodes into clusters and navigate in multi-level graphs.
- multi-level layout: Very fast layout algorithm that coersen the graph to reduce computation.
- interaction: Highlight neighbors and interact directly with the visualization when using tools.
- partitionning: Use data attributes to colorize partitions and communities.
- ranking: Use degree, metrics or data attributes to set nodes/edges’ color and size.
- metrics: Run various algorithm in one click and get HTML report page.
- data laboratory: Data table view with search feature.
- dynamics: Use Timeline to explore dynamic graphs.
- filtering: Dynamic queries, create and combine a large set of filters.
- auto update: The application is updating itself it’s core and plugins.
- vectorial preview: Switch to the preview tab to put the final touch before explorting in SVG or PDF.