Building The Ocean With Big Data
From the post:
While working at an agency with a robust analytics group is exciting, it can also be frustrating at times. Clients challenge us with questions that are often difficult to answer with a simple data pull/request. For example, an auto client may ask how digital media is driving auto sales for a specific model in a specific location. Another client may like to better understand how much they need to spend on digital media, and to that end, which media sequencing is most effective (e.g. search -> display -> search -> social, etc.). Questions like these require multiple large sets of data, often in varying formats and time ranges. So the question becomes, with data collection and aggregation more important than ever, what steps can we take to make sure we analyze Big Data in a meaningful way?
Topic maps face the same issues as analysis of Big Data, where do you start?
If you start with no plan or a poorly planned one, you can work very hard for little or no gain. This article, while framed for analysis, has good principals for organizing analysis or mapping of Big Data.