This post started with my finding the data mining slides at Slideshare (about 4 years old) and after organizing those, deciding to check Professor Pier Luca Lanzi’s homepage for more recent material. I think you will find it useful material.
The professor is obviously interested in video games, a rapidly growing area of development and research.
Combining video games with data mining, that would be a real coup.
Data Mining Course page
Includes prior exams, video (2009 course), transparencies from all lectures.
Lecture slides on Data Mining and Machine Learning at Slideshare.
Not being a lemming, I don’t find most viewed a helpful sorting criteria.
I organized the data mining slides in course order (as nearly as I could determine, there are two #6 presentations and no #7 or #17 presentations):
05 Association rules: advanced topics
06 Clustering: Partitioning Methods
09 Density-based, Grid-based, and Model-based Clustering
10 Introduction to Classification
13 Nearest Neighbor and Bayesian Classifiers
15 Data Exploration and Preparation
Genetic Algorithms