Linking science and semantics with the Annotation Ontology and the SWAN Annotation Tool
The Annotation Ontology (AO) is an open ontology in OWL for annotating scientific documents on the web. AO supports both human and algorithmic content annotation. It enables “stand-off” or independent metadata anchored to specific positions in a web document by any one of several methods. In AO, the document may be annotated but is not required to be under update control of the annotator. AO contains a provenance model to support versioning, and a set model for specifying groups and containers of annotation.
The SWAN Annotation Tool, recently renamed DOMEO (Document Metadata Exchange Organizer), is an extensible web application enabling users to visually and efficiently create and share ontology-based stand-off annotation metadata on HTML or XML document targets, using the Annotation Ontology RDF model. The tool supports manual, fully automated, and semi-automated annotation with complete provenance records, as well as personal or community annotation with access authorization and control.
I’m interested in how “stand-off” annotation is being handled, being an overlapping markup person myself. Also curious how close it comes to HyTime like mechanisms.
More after the webinar.