Build a distributed realtime tweet search system in no time.
The next obvious step would be to overlay a topic map onto the tweet store.
Thinking that tweets of interest would be mapped fairly well, tweets that are not, well, that’s just the breaks.
Illustrates the principle that not every subject is going to get mapped.
Some may not be mapped out of lack of interest.
Some may not be mapped because they are outside the scope of a particular project.
Some may not be mapped due to oversight.
There isn’t any moral principle that every post, tweet, email list, or website has to be mapped or even indexed.
Here’s an interesting topic map experiment:
Using a web search engine, create a topic map of an international event but exclude any statements by government agencies or officials.
Think of your topic map as a noise reduction filter.
Suggestions on evaluation mechanisms? How much less noise does your topic map have than CNN?