Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

July 13, 2010

The FLAMINGO Project on Data Cleaning – Site

The FLAMINGO Project on Data Cleaning is the other project that has influenced the self-similarity work with MapReduce.

From the project description:

Supporting fuzzy queries is becoming increasingly more important in applications that need to deal with a variety of data inconsistencies in structures, representations, or semantics. Many existing algorithms require an offline analysis of data sets to construct an efficient index structure to support online query processing. Fuzzy join queries of data sets are more time consuming due to the computational complexity. The PI is studying three research problems: (1) constructing high-quality inverted lists for fuzzy search queries using Hadoop; (2) supporting fuzzy joins of large data sets using Hadoop; and (3) using the developed techniques to improve data quality of large collections of documents.

See the project webpage to learn more about their work on “us[ing] limited programming primitives in the cloud to implement index structures and search algorithms.”

The relationship between “dirty” data and the increase in data overall is at least linear, but probably worse. Far worse. Whether data is “dirty” depends on your perspective. The more data that appears on “***” format (fill in the one you like the least) the dirtier the universe of data has become. “Dirty” data will be with you always.

1 Comment

  1. […] is the faculty adviser for the Flamingo project, which has a new release since I mentioned it at: The FLAMINGO Project on Data Cleaning, but you don’t cite a project by picking a paper at random that doesn’t mention the […]

    Pingback by Bed-tree: an all-purpose index structure for string similarity search based on edit distance « Another Word For It — December 23, 2011 @ 4:28 pm

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