Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

May 6, 2011

Building a better legal search engine, part 1: Searching the U.S. Code

Filed under: Law - Sources,Legal Informatics,Search Engines,Searching — Patrick Durusau @ 12:37 pm

Building a better legal search engine, part 1: Searching the U.S. Code

From the post:

As I mentioned last week, I’m excited to give a keynote in two weeks on Law and Computation at the University of Houston Law Center alongside Stephen Wolfram, Carl Malamud, Seth Chandler, and my buddy Dan from CLS. The first part in my blog series leading up to this talk will focus on indexing and searching the U.S. Code with structured, public domain data and open source software.

He closes with:

Stay tuned next week for the next part in the series. I’ll be using Apache Mahout to build an intelligent recommender system and cluster the sections of the Code.

It won’t pull the same audience share as the “Who shot J.R.?” episode of Dallas, but I have to admit I’m interested in the next part of this series. 😉

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