Scientific graphs Generators plugin
A new plugin for Gephi, described as:
Cezary Bartosiak and Rafa? Kasprzyk just released the Complex Generators plugin, introducing many awaited scientific generators. These generators are extremely useful for scientists, as they help to simulate various real networks. They can test their models and algorithms on well-studied graph examples. For instance, the Watts-Strogatz generator creates networks as described by Duncan Watts in his Six Degrees book.
The plugin contains the following generators:
- Balanced Tree
- Barabasi Albert
- Barabasi Albert Generalized
- Barabasi Albert Simplified A
- Barabasi Albert Simplified B
- Erdos Renyi Gnm
- Erdos Renyi Gnp
- Kleinberg
- Watts Strogatz Alpha
- Watts Strogatz Beta