Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

February 16, 2013

NBA Stats Like Never Before [No RDF/Linked Data/Topic Maps In Sight]

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Linked Data,RDF,Statistics,Topic Maps — Patrick Durusau @ 4:47 pm

NBA Stats Like Never Before by Timo Elliott.

From the post:

The National Baseball Association today unveiled a new site for fans of games statistics:, powered by SAP Analytics technology. The multi-year marketing partnership between SAP and the NBA was announced six months ago:

“We are constantly researching new and emerging technologies in an effort to provide our fans with new ways to connect with our game,” said NBA Commissioner David Stern. “SAP is a leader in providing innovative software solutions and an ideal partner to provide a dynamic and comprehensive statistical offering as fans interact with NBA basketball on a global basis.”

“SAP is honored to partner with the NBA, one of the world’s most respected sports organizations,” said Bill McDermott, co-CEO, SAP. “Through SAP HANA, fans will be able to experience the NBA as never before. This is a slam dunk for SAP, the NBA and the many fans who will now have access to unprecedented insight and analysis.”

The free database contains every box score of every game played since the league’s inception in 1946, including graphical displays of players shooting tendencies.

To the average fan delivers information that is of immediate interest to them, not their computers.

Another way to think about it:

Computers don’t make purchasing decisions, users do.

Something to think about when deciding on your next semantic technology.

February 13, 2013

Designing to Reward our Tribal Sides

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Usability — Patrick Durusau @ 3:07 pm

Designing to Reward our Tribal Sides by Nir Eyal.

From the post:

tribal rewards

We are a species of beings that depend on one another. Scientists theorize humans have specially adapted neurons that help us feel what others feel, providing evidence that we survive through our empathy for others. We’re meant to be part of a tribe and our brains seek out rewards that make us feel accepted, important, attractive, and included.

Many of our institutions and industries are built around this need for social reinforcement. From civic and religious groups to spectator sports, the need to feel social connectedness informs our values and drives much of how we spend our time.

Communication technology in particular has given rise to a long history of companies that have provided better ways of delivering what I call, “rewards of the tribe.”

However, it’s not only the reward we seek. Variability also keeps us engaged. From the telegraph to email, products that connect us are highly valued, but those that invoke an element of surprise are even more so. Recently, the explosion of Web technologies that cater to our insatiable search for validation provides clear examples of the tremendous appeal of the promise of social reward.

Do you capture the Stack Overflow lesson in your UI?

UI design that builds on and rewards our hard wiring seems like a good idea to me.

February 10, 2013

Storyboarding in the Software Design Process

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Storyboarding — Patrick Durusau @ 3:44 pm

Storyboarding in the Software Design Process by Ambrose Little

From the post:

Using storyboards in software design can be difficult because of some common challenges and drawbacks to the tools we have. The good news is that there’s a new, free tool that tries to address many of these issues. But before I get into that, let’s revisit the value of using storyboards (and stories in general) in software design.

Using stories in some form or another is a well-established practice in software design, so much so that there are many meanings of the term “stories.” For instance, in agile processes, there is a concept of “user stories,” which are very basic units of expressing functional requirements: “As a user, I want to receive notifications when new applications are submitted.”

In user experience design, these stories take on more life through the incorporation of richer user and usage contexts and personas: real people in real places doing real things, not just some abstract, feature-oriented description of functionality that clothes itself in a generic “user.”

In their book, Storytelling for User Experience, Whitney Quesenbery and Kevin Brooks offer these benefits of using stories in software design:

  • They help us gather and share information about users, tasks, and goals.
  • They put a human face on analytic data.
  • They can spark new design concepts and encourage collaboration and innovation.
  • They are a way to share ideas and create a sense of shared history and purpose.
  • They help us understand the world by giving us insight into people who are not just like us.
  • They can even persuade others of the value of our contribution.

Whatever they’re called, stories are an effective and inexpensive way to capture, relate, and explore experiences in the design process.

The benefit of:

They help us understand the world by giving us insight into people who are not just like us.

was particularly interesting.

The storyboarding post was written for UI design but constructing a topic map could benefit from insight into “people who are not just like us.”

I lean toward the physical/hard copy version of storyboarding, mostly so that technology and it inevitable limitations, doesn’t get in the way.

What I want to capture are the insights of the users, not the insights of the users as limited by the software.

Or better yet, the insights of the users unlimited by my skill with the software.

Not to neglect the use of storyboarding for software, UI/UX purposes as well.

February 9, 2013

…the most hated man in America [circa 2003]

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Usability,Users — Patrick Durusau @ 8:22 pm

John E. Karlin, Who Led the Way to All-Digit Dialing, Dies at 94

The New York Time obituary for John E. Karlin, the father of the arrangement of numbers on push button phones and a host of other inventions is deeply moving.

Karlin did not have a series of lucky guesses but researched the capabilities and limitations of people to arrive at product design decisions.

Read the article to learn why one person said Karlin was “…the most hated man in America.”

I first saw this at Human Factors by Ed Lazowska.

February 5, 2013

4 Reasons Your UX Investment Isn’t Paying Off [Topic Map UX?]

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Usability,Users — Patrick Durusau @ 2:18 pm

4 Reasons Your UX Investment Isn’t Paying Off by Hilary Little.

You can imagine why this caught my eye.

From the post:

“Every dollar spent on UX brings in between $2 and $100 dollars in return.”

We all know the business case for doing user experience work: investing upfront in making products easy to use really pays off. It reduces project risk, cost, and time while improving, efficiency, effectiveness, and end user satisfaction.

(Don’t know the business case? Read this or this. Or this.) But what if you’re investing in UX and not getting results?

There can be many factors behind an under-performing user experience effort. Anything from a lack of tools to the zombie apocalypse can wreak havoc on your teams. Addressing either of those factors are outside my area of expertise.

Here’s where I do know what I’m talking about. First, rule out the obvious: your UX folks are jerks, they don’t communicate well, they don’t understand business, they aren’t team players, they have such terrible body odor people stay 10 feet away …

Next, look at your organization. I’ve based the following list on observations accumulated over my years as a UX professional. These are some common organizational “behavior” patterns that can make even the best UX efforts ineffective.

Let that first line soak in for a bit: “Every dollar spent on UX brings in between $2 and $100 dollars in return.”

Then go read the rest of the post for the four organizational patterns to watch for.

Assuming you have invested in professional UX work at all.

I haven’t and my ability to communicate topic maps to the average user is poorer as a result.

Not that I expect average users to “get” that identifications exist in fabrics of identifiers and any identified subject is at the intersection of multiple fabrics of identifiers, whether represented or not.

But to use and appreciate topic maps, that isn’t necessary.

Any more than I have to understand thermodynamics to drive an automobile.

And yes, yes I am working on an automobile level explanation of why topic maps are important.

Or better yet, simply presenting a new automobile and being real quiet about why it works so well. 😉

Sharpening Your Competitive Edge…

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Usability,Users — Patrick Durusau @ 1:44 pm

Sharpening Your Competitive Edge with UX Research by Rebecca Flavin.

From the post:

It’s part of our daily work. We can’t imagine creating a product or an application without doing it: understanding the user.

Most of the clients we work with at EffectiveUI already have a good understanding of their customers from a market point of view. They know their target demographics and often have an solid sense of psychographics: their customers’ interests, media habits, and lifestyles.

This is all great information that is critical to a company’s success, but what about learning more about a customer than his or her age, gender, interests, and market segment? What about understanding the customer from a UX perspective?

Not all companies take the time to thoroughly understand exactly why, how, when, and where their customers interact with their brand’s, products and digital properties, as well as those of competing products and services. What are the influences, distractions, desires, and emotions that affect users as they try to purchase or engage with your product or interact with your service?

At EffectiveUI, we’ve seen that user research can be a powerful and invaluable tool for aiding strategic business decisions, identifying market opportunities, and ultimately driving better organizational results. When we’re talking to customers about a digital experience, we frequently uncover opportunities for their business as a whole to shift its strategic direction. Sometimes we even find out that the company has completely missed an opportunity with their customers.

As part of the holistic UX process, user research helps us learn more about customers’ pain points, needs, desires, and goals in order to inform digital design or product direction. The methods we generally employ include:

Great post that merits your attention!

What I continue to puzzle over is how to develop user testing for topic map interfaces?

The broad strokes of user testing are fairly well known, but how to implement those for topic map interfaces isn’t clear.

On one hand, a topic map could present its content much as any other web interface.

On the other hand, a topic map could present a “topicmappish” flavor interface.

And there are all the cases in between.

If it doesn’t involve trade secrets, can anyone comment on how they have tested topic map interfaces?

February 4, 2013

Dark Patterns Library

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design — Patrick Durusau @ 7:12 pm

Dark Patterns Library by Harry Brignull and Marc Miquel.

From the homepage:

A Dark Pattern is a type of user interface that has been carefully crafted to trick users into doing things, such as buying insurance with their purchase or signing up for recurring bills.

Normally when you think of “bad design”, you think of the creator as being sloppy or lazy but with no ill intent. This type of bad design is known as a “UI anti-pattern” Dark Patterns are different – they are not mistakes, they are carefully crafted with a solid understanding of human psychology, and they do not have the user’s interests in mind.

Has the potential to make you a better consumer.

First saw this at Four short links: 4 February 2013 by Nat Torkington.

jQuery Rain

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,JQuery — Patrick Durusau @ 7:12 pm

jQuery Rain

I happened across jQuery Rain today and thought it worth passing on.

Other web interface sites that you would recommend?

Thinking if you can look at an interface and think, “topic map,” then the interface needs work.

The focus of any interface should be delivery of content and/or capabilities.

Including topic map interfaces.

February 1, 2013

Eight UX Design Trends for 2013

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Usability,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 8:07 pm

Eight UX Design Trends for 2013

Very visual so you will have to consult the post but I can list the titles for the experiences:

  • Downsampling
  • Foodism
  • Quantified Ambition
  • Augmented Dialogue
  • Sensory Bandwidth
  • Agile Economies
  • Faceted Video
  • RetroFuturism

One or more of these may help distinguish your product/services from less successful ones.

January 29, 2013

7 Incredible Web Design, Branding, Digital Marketing Experiences [Abandonment > 65%]

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design — Patrick Durusau @ 6:50 pm

7 Incredible Web Design, Branding, Digital Marketing Experiences by Avinash Kaushik.

From the post:

We are surrounded by incredible digital experiences. Masterful design, branding and marketing.

Yet, it would be fair to say we are also drowning in awful digital experiences – or, at the very minimum, experiences that seem to be stuck in 1991.

As a Digital Marketing Evangelist you can imagine how much that pains me.

When I work with companies, I do my very best to bring my deep and undying passion for creativity and digital awesomeness to them. One manifestation of that is the stories I tell by comparing and contrasting the client’s digital existence with others I consider best of breed.

In this blog post I want to try and do something similar by sharing some of my favorite digital experiences with you. There are 7 in total.

Each example is truly amazing and for each I’ll share my perspective on why. In each case there are also tips that highlight things that overtly or covertly make the company delightful.

What can you expect?

Inspiring landing pages, cool calls to action, delightful cart and checkout experiences, website copy delicious enough to eat, copy that convinces people to buy by respecting their intelligence, ecommerce reimagined, higher conversions via greater transparency, and examples of how to truly live your brand’s values online through an experience that leaves your customers happy and willing to pay more for your products!

I’m not promising anything this good on the renovation of but this is one source I am looking to for inspiration.

Sites you would like to suggest as incredible (in the good sense)? (The incredible in the bad sense are easy enough to find.)

BTW, I was very impressed by the “…cart abandonment rates routinely runs north of 65%…” line.

That’s higher than the U.S. divorce rate! 😉

An awesome post on web design!

Which of those lessons will you be applying to your website or topic map interface design?

January 24, 2013

Designing Search (part 6): Manipulating results

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Searching — Patrick Durusau @ 8:09 pm

Designing Search (part 6): Manipulating results by Tony Russell-Rose.

From the post:

One of the key insights to emerge from research into human information seeking is that search is more than just finding: in fact, search tasks of any complexity involve iteration across a number of levels of task context. From information retrieval at the lowest level to work task at the highest, searchers engage in a whole host of activities or search modes in the pursuit of their goals.

Of course, locating (known) items may be the stereotypical search task with which we are all familiar – but it is far from being the only one. Instead, for many search tasks we need to analyse, compare, verify, evaluate, synthesize… in short, we need to manipulate and interact with the results. While the previous post focused on informational features, our concern here is with interactivity. In this post, we consider techniques for managing and manipulating search results.

Not only does Tony have advice on “best practices,” but it is illustrated with real world examples.

January 14, 2013

Why you should try

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Usability,Users — Patrick Durusau @ 8:37 pm

Why you should try by Pete Warden.

From the post:

If you’re building a website or app you need to be using, a service that crowd-sources QA. I don’t say that about many services, and I have no connection with the company (a co-worker actually discovered them) but they’ve transformed how we do testing. We used to have to stalk coffee shops and pester friends-of-friends to find people who’d never seen Jetpac before and were willing to spend half an hour of their life being recorded while they checked it out. It meant the whole process took a lot of valuable time, so we’d only do it a few times a month. This made life tough for the engineering team as the app grew more complex. We have unit tests, automated Selenium tests, and QA internally, but because we’re so dependent on data caching and crunching, a lot of things only go wrong when a completely new user first logs into the system.

Another approach to user testing of your website or interface design.

January 11, 2013

Re-Introducing Page Description Diagrams

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Usability,Users — Patrick Durusau @ 7:37 pm

Re-Introducing Page Description Diagrams by Colin Butler and Andrew Wirtanen.

From the post:

There’s no such thing as a “standard” client or project in a typical agency setting, because every business has its own specific goals—not to mention the goals of its users. Because of this, we’re constantly seeking ways to improve our processes and better meet the needs of our clients, regardless of their unique characteristics.

Recently, we discovered the page description diagram (PDD), a method for documenting components without specifying layout. At first, it seemed limited, even simplistic, relative to our needs. But with some consideration, we began to understand the value. We started looking at whether or not PDDs could help us improve our process.

As it turns out, these things have been around for quite a while. Dan Brown devised them way back in 1999 as a way to communicate information architecture to a client in a way that addressed some of his primary issues with wireframes. Those issues were that, looking at wireframes, clients would form expectations prematurely and that designers would be limited in their innovation by a prescribed layout. Brown’s approach was to remove layout entirely, providing priority instead. Each component of a page would be described in terms of the needs it met and how it met those needs, arranged into three priority columns with wireframe-like examples when necessary. …

Because of its UI context, I originally read this post as a means of planning interfaces.

But on reflection, the same questions of “needs to meet” and “how to meet those needs” applies equally to topics, associations and occurrences.

Users should be encouraged to talk through their expectations for what information comes together, in what order and how they will use it.

As opposed to focusing too soon on questions of how a topic map architecture will support those capabilities.

Interesting technical questions but no nearly as interesting, for users at any rate, as their information needs.

The post also cites a great primer on Page Description Diagrams.

December 29, 2012

Treat Your Users Like Children

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Usability,Users — Patrick Durusau @ 7:09 pm

Treat Your Users Like Children by Jamal Jackson.

From the post:

Do you have kids of your own? How about young nieces, nephews, or nephews? Do you spend time around your friends’ children? Is there that one neighbor who has youngsters who makes it a point to disturb you any chance they get? If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then you understand that caring for kids is difficult! Many people would argue that my use of the word “difficult” is a strong understatement. They’d be right!

Young minds are almost impossible to predict and equally hard to control. A parent, or any other adult, can plan out an assortment of ideal procedures for a kid to follow to accomplish something, but it will likely feel like wasted time. This is because kids have no intention of following any form of procedures, no matter how beneficial to them.

Speaking of people with no intention of following any form of procedures, no matter how beneficial those procedures may be, I can’t help but wonder why dealing with children reminds me of the life of a UX professional.

How many hours have you spent toiling away in front of your monitor and notepad, hoping the end result will be to the user’s benefit? If they even bother to proceed as you predicted, that is. In the end, the majority of users end up navigating your site in a way that leaves head-scratching as the only suitable reaction. This is why web users should be treated like kids.

The post is worth reading if only for the images!

But having said that, it gives good advice on changing your perspective on design, to that of a user.

Designing for ourselves is a lot easier, at least for us.

Unfortunately, that isn’t the same a designing an interface users will find helpful or intuitive.

I “prefer” an interface that most users find intuitive.

An audience/market of < 10 can be pretty lonely, not to mention unprofitable.

December 27, 2012

Design by HiPPO?

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Usability,Users — Patrick Durusau @ 6:29 am

Mark Needham in Restricting your own learning, references: Practical Guide to Controlled Experiments on the Web: Listen to Your Customers not to the HiPPO by Ron Kohavi, Randal M. Henne and Dan Sommerfield.

HiPPO = “…the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion (HiPPO).”


The web provides an unprecedented opportunity to evaluate ideas quickly using controlled experiments, also called randomized experiments (single-factor or factorial designs), A/B tests (and their generalizations), split tests, Control/Treatment tests, and parallel flights. Controlled experiments embody the best scientific design for establishing a causal relationship between changes and their influence on user-observable behavior. We provide a practical guide to conducting online experiments, where end-users can help guide the development of features. Our experience indicates that significant learning and return-oninvestment (ROI) are seen when development teams listen to their customers, not to the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion (HiPPO). We provide several examples of controlled experiments with surprising results. We review the important ingredients of running controlled experiments, and discuss their limitations (both technical and organizational). We focus on several areas that are critical to experimentation, including statistical power, sample size, and techniques for variance reduction. We describe common architectures for experimentation systems and analyze their advantages and disadvantages. We evaluate randomization and hashing techniques, which we show are not as simple in practice as is often assumed. Controlled experiments typically generate large amounts of data, which can be analyzed using data mining techniques to gain deeper understanding of the factors influencing the outcome of interest, leading to new hypotheses and creating a virtuous cycle of improvements. Organizations that embrace controlled experiments with clear evaluation criteria can evolve their systems with automated optimizations and real-time analyses. Based on our extensive practical experience with multiple systems and organizations, we share key lessons that will help practitioners in running trustworthy controlled experiments.

Not recent (2007) but a real delight and as relevant today as when it was published.

The ACM Digital Library reports 37 citing publications.

Definitely worth a close read and consideration as you design your next topic map interface.

December 26, 2012

Are Your Lights On?…

Filed under: Design,Programming — Patrick Durusau @ 5:29 pm

David Heinemeier Hansson describes: Are Your Lights On?: How to Figure Out What the Problem Really Is by Donald C. Gause and Gerald M. Weinberg as:

This isn’t technically a programming book, but it deals with the biggest problem facing developers none the less: What is the problem we’re trying to solve? Is it the right problem? Could we solve a different problem instead and that would be just as good? Nothing has increased my programming productivity more than being able to restate hard problems as simple ones.

in his post: The five programming books that meant most to me.

The other four merit your attention but if you are solving the wrong problem, the results won’t be viewed as great programming.

At least not by your clients.

December 18, 2012

Google Imagines a Real World That’s as Irritating as the Internet

Filed under: Design,Humor,Interface Research/Design — Patrick Durusau @ 5:43 pm

Google Imagines a Real World That’s as Irritating as the Internet by Rebecca Cullers.

From the post:

Google Analytics has put together a series of videos demonstrating what poor web design can do to an online commerce site—crap we’d never put up with in a brick-and-mortar store. There’s unintuitive search and site design that prevents you from finding the item you’re looking for—in this case, it’s a grocery store that makes it impossible to find an everyday item as simple as milk. There’s the obnoxious online checkout, where you’re forced to log in, agree to terms and prove you’re a real person before you get timed out, forcing you to start all over again. Then there’s a misplaced dig at Amazon’s highly successful, often copied suggestion of other items you might like. Produced in-house by Google Creative Lab, all the spots have the absurdity of a Monty Python skit. It seems weird for Google to be dissing online search and e-commerce, but here it serves the greater goal of telling people to learn more about their customers via Analytics. And in this case, it’s funny cause it’s true.

I won’t even attempt to describe the videos.

You will have to hold onto your chair to remain upright.

Seriously, they capture the essence of bad online shopping experiences.

Or should I say user interfaces?

December 9, 2012

Humans are difficult [Design by Developer]

Filed under: Design,Graphics,Interface Research/Design,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 7:10 pm

Humans are difficult by Kristina Chodorow.

From the post:

My web app, Noodlin, has two basic functions: 1) create notes and 2) connect them, so I tried to make it blindingly obvious how to do both in the UI. Unfortunately, when I first started telling people about it, the first feedback I got was, “how do you create a connection?”

The original scheme: you clicked on the dark border to start a connection.

At that point, the way you created a connection was to click on the border of a note (a dark border would appear around a note when the mouse got close). Okay, so that wasn’t obvious enough, even though the tutorial said, “click on my border to create a connection.” I learned a lesson there: no one reads tutorials. However, I didn’t know what users did expect.

I started trying things: I darkened the color of the border, I had little connections pop out of the edge and follow your mouse as you moved it near a note. I heard from one user that she had tried dragging from one note to another, so I made that work, too. But people were still confused.

So what tripped Kristina up? She has authored two books on MongoDB, numerous other contributions, so she really knows her stuff.

In a phrase, design by developer.

All of her solutions were perfectly obvious to her, but as you will read in her post, not to her users.

Not the release of commercial software (you can supply examples of those failures on your own) but illustrates a major reason for semantic diversity:

We all view the world from a different set of default settings.

So we react to interfaces differently. The only way to discover which one will work for others, is to ask.

BTW, strictly my default view but Kristina’s Noodlin is worth a long look!

December 6, 2012

Introducing Noodlin – A Brainstorming App

Filed under: Design,Graphics,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 11:43 am

Introducing Noodlin – A Brainstorming App by Kristina Chodorow.

From the webpage:

I’ve been working on a web app, Noodlin, for brainstorming online. Basically, Noodlin just lets you create notes and connect them. I’ve been using it for taking notes during meetings, figuring out who gets what for the holidays, and organizing The Definitive Guide. I think it might be handy for people studying for finals this time of year, too.

I find it really difficult to be creative while looking at a text editor: it’s just not a good form factor for organizing thoughts, taking notes, and coming up with new ideas. There’s a whole class of problems where people say, “Let’s go find a whiteboard” or start sticking post-its to a wall. Noodlin is an attempt to make this kind of thinking easier to do on a computer.

You may recognize Kristina Chodorow from her work on MongoDB.

Could be quite useful.

I would prefer the ability to host it locally, a few more shapes and properties on the edges connecting shapes.

December 2, 2012

Listen to Your Stakeholders : Sowing seeds for future research

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Usability,Use Cases,Users — Patrick Durusau @ 5:06 pm

Listen to Your Stakeholders : Sowing seeds for future research by Tomer Sharon.

From the post:

If I needed to summarize this article in one sentence, I’d say: “Shut up, listen, and then start talking.”

User experience practitioners who are also excellent interviewers know that listening is a key aspect of a successful interview. By keeping your mouth shut you reduce the risk of verbal foibles and are in a better position to absorb information. When you are concentrated in absorbing information, you can then begin to identify research opportunities and effectively sow seeds for future research.

When you discuss future UX research with your stakeholders you want to collect pure, unbiased data and turn it into useful information that will help you pitch and get buy-in for future research activities. As in end-user interviews, stakeholder interviews a word, a gesture, or even a blink or a certain body posture can bias an interviewee and add flaws to data you collect. Let’s discuss several aspects of listening to your stakeholders when you talk with them about UX research. You will quickly see how these are similar to techniques you apply when interviewing users.

Stakeholders are our clients, whether internal or external to our organization. These are people who need to believe in what we do so they will act on research results and fund future research. We all have a stake in product development. They have a stake in UX research.

Tomer’s advice doesn’t require hardware or software. It does require wetware and some social interaction skills.

If you are successful with the repeated phrase technique, ping me. (“These aren’t the droids you are looking for.”) I have a phrase for them that starts with a routing number. 😉

November 15, 2012

Dueling and Design…

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design,Usability,Users — Patrick Durusau @ 5:52 pm

Dueling and Design : How fencing and UX are quite alike by Ben Self.

From the post:

The other day I was leaving the office and mentally switching gears from the design work I had been doing all day to the fencing class I was about to teach that night. During my commute, I thought to myself, “It’s time to stop thinking like the end user and start thinking like a fencer.”

Suddenly realizing the similarities between my job and my hobby, I found myself pondering the connections between fencing and UX Design further over the next few weeks. I discovered more parallels than I had expected, although the first thought I had was that the goals are almost completely opposite.

When I am fencing, I want to frustrate my opponent and keep him from accomplishing his goals. When I am designing an interface, I want to encourage the user and help them accomplish their goals. It occurred to me, however, that while the final results are polar opposites, many of the methods used for assessing how best to achieve those opposite ends are actually very similar.

All these years I thought interfaces were designed to prevent me from accomplishing my goals. An even closer parallel to fencing. 😉

Ben does an excellent job of drawing parallels but I am particularly fond of his suggestion that you know your opponent/users. It’s hard work, which is probably why you don’t see it very often in practice.

What other activity do you have that illustrates principles for an interface, communication with others, or other semantic type activities?

November 2, 2012

Designing to Build Trust : The factors that matter

Filed under: Design,Interface Research/Design — Patrick Durusau @ 7:13 pm

Designing to Build Trust : The factors that matter by Ilana Westerman.

From the post:

More than ever in the digital domain, companies rely on design to communicate with their customers. Because the experience of visiting a company website is by nature remote—lacking any direct interaction with any tangible assets offered—the company’s digital presence often defines a user’s impressions of the company as a whole. In this context, how customers experience not only the website but also the way the site handles their personal information becomes key to shaping their overall impression of the brand.

In this article, we will dive into the nature of trusted online experiences, why they are important, design attributes that we know people trust, and how design creates trust and distrust. We’ll illustrate the issues around designing for trust with a sample prototype of a healthcare exchange design and user reactions to it.

Research to consider when building an interface for your topic map based application.

October 25, 2012

Ditch Traditional Wireframes

Filed under: Design,Graphics,Interface Research/Design,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 4:18 pm

Ditch Traditional Wireframes by Sergio Nouvel.

From the post:

Wireframes have played an increasingly leading role in the modern Web development process. They provide a simple way of validating user interface and layout and are cheaper and faster to produce than a final visual comp. However, most of the methods and techniques used to create them are far from being efficient, contradicting the principles and values that made wireframing useful in first place.

While this article is not about getting rid of the wireframing process itself, now is a good time for questioning and improving some of the materials and deliverables that have become de facto standards in the UX field. To make this point clear, let´s do a quick review of the types of wireframes commonly used.

Especially appropriate since I mentioned the Health Design Challenge [$50K in Prizes – Deadline 30th Nov 2012] earlier today. You are likely to be using one or more of these techniques for your entry.

Hopefully Sergio’s comments will make your usage more productive and effective!

October 19, 2012

Masterful design of the everyday baggage tag

Filed under: Design,Usability,Users — Patrick Durusau @ 3:35 pm

Masterful design of the everyday baggage tag by Nathan Yau.

Nathan points to a post on the history of baggage tags that including the following quote:

Just as you can track, step-by-step, a package you’ve sent by FedEx, airlines use bar-coded tags to sort and track bags automatically, through the airport, and across the world. That’s a huge change from the old days, when bags were dropped into the “black box” of a manually sorted baggage system. But crucially, an ABT doesn’t just contain a bar code—it’s also custom-printed with your name, flight details, and destination. That made the global implementation of ABTs much easier, because early-adopters could introduce them long before every airport was ready—a huge advantage when it comes to seamlessly connecting the world’s least and most advanced airports. And of course, ABTs can still be read manually when systems break down.

There is a for design.

Works with fully manual, fully automated and everything in between systems.

What about your topic map? Or is it enslaved by the need for electronic power?

If I can read a street map by sun/moon light, then why not a topic map? (At least sometimes.)


September 23, 2012

neo4j: The Batch Inserter and the sunk cost fallacy

Filed under: Design,Neo4j — Patrick Durusau @ 4:47 pm

neo4j: The Batch Inserter and the sunk cost fallacy by Mark Needham.

From the post:

About a year and a half ago I wrote about the sunk cost fallacy which is defined like so:

The Misconception: You make rational decisions based on the future value of objects, investments and experiences.

The Truth: Your decisions are tainted by the emotional investments you accumulate, and the more you invest in something the harder it becomes to abandon it.

Over the past few weeks Ashok and I have been doing some exploration of one of our client’s data by modelling it in a neo4j graph and seeing what interesting things the traversals reveal.

Taking his own advice reduced a load time from 20 to 2 minutes.

Worth your time to read and consider.

September 22, 2012

The Stages of Database Development (video)

Filed under: Database,Design — Patrick Durusau @ 1:32 pm

The Stages of Database Development (video) by Jeremiah Peschka.

The description:

Strong development practices don’t spring up overnight; they take time, effort, and teamwork. Database development practices are doubly hard because they involve many moving pieces – unit testing, integration testing, and deploying changes that could have potential side effects beyond changing logic. In this session, Microsoft SQL Server MVP Jeremiah Peschka will discuss ways users can move toward a healthy cycle of database development using version control, automated testing, and rapid deployment.

Nothing you haven’t heard before in one form or another.

Question: How does your database environment compare to the one Jeremiah describes?

(Never mind that you have “reasons” (read excuses) for the current state of your database environment.)

Doesn’t just happen with databases or even servers.

What about your topic map development environment?

Or other development environment.

Looking forward to a sequel (sorry) to this video.

September 16, 2012

Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook

Filed under: Design,Graphics,Interface Research/Design,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 4:42 pm

Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook By: Saul Greenberg; Sheelagh Carpendale; Nicolai Marquardt; Bill Buxton.


In Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook, you will learn, through step-by-step instructions and exercises, various sketching methods that will let you express your design ideas about user experiences across time. Collectively, these methods will be your sketching repertoire: a toolkit where you can choose the method most appropriate for developing your ideas, which will help you cultivate a culture of experience-based design and critique in your workplace.

  • Features standalone modules detailing methods and exercises for practitioners who want to learn and develop their sketching skills
  • Extremely practical, with illustrated examples detailing all steps on how to do a method
  • Excellent for individual learning, for classrooms, and for a team that wants to develop a culture of design practice
  • Perfect complement to Buxtons Sketching User Experience or any UX text

My first time to encounter this book.


Similar materials?

Interfaces are as much about mapping as anything we do inside topic maps.

Which implies the ability to map from “your” interface to one I find more congenial doesn’t it?

September 13, 2012

Prison Polling [If You Don’t Ask, You Won’t Know]

Filed under: Data,Design,Statistics — Patrick Durusau @ 9:44 am

Prison Polling by Carl Bialik.

From the post:

My print column examines the argument of a book out this week that major federal surveys are missing an important part of the population by not polling prisoners.

“We’re missing 1% of the population,” said Becky Pettit, a University of Washington sociologist and author of the book, “Invisible Men.” “People might say, ‘That’s not a big deal.’ “But it is for some groups, she writes — particularly young black men. And for young black men, especially those without a high-school diploma, official statistics paint a rosier picture than reality on factors such as employment and voter turnout.

“Because many surveys skip institutionalized populations, and because we incarcerate lots of people, especially young black men with low levels of education, certain statistics can look rosier than if we included” prisoners in surveys, said Jason Schnittker, a sociologist at the University of Pennsylvania. “Whether you regard the impact as ‘massive’ depends on your perspective. The problem of incarceration tends to get swept under the rug in lots of different ways, rendering the issue invisible.”

A reminder that assumptions are cooked into data long before it reaches us for analysis.

If we don’t ask questions about data collection, we may be passing on results that don’t serve the best interests of our clients.

So for population data, ask (among other things):

  • Who was included/excluded?
  • How were the included selected?
  • On what basis were people excluded?
  • Where are the survey questions?
  • By what means were the questions asked? (phone, web, in person)
  • Time of day of survey?

and I am sure there are others.

Don’t be impressed by protests that your questions are irrelevant or the source has already “accounted” for that issue.


When someone protests you don’t need to know, you know where to push. Trust me on that one.

September 8, 2012

“how hard can this be?” (Data and Reality)

Filed under: Design,Modeling,Subject Identity — Patrick Durusau @ 2:07 pm

Books that Influenced my Thinking: Kent’s Data and Reality by Thomas Redman.

From the post:

It was the rumor that Steve Hoberman (Technics Publications) planned to reissue Data and Reality by William Kent that led me to use this space to review books that had influenced my thinking about data and data quality. My plan had been to do the review of Data and Reality as soon as it came out. I completely missed the boat – it has been out for some six months.

I first read Data and Reality as we struggled at Bell Labs to develop a definition of data that would prove useful for data quality. While I knew philosophers had debated the merits of various approaches for thousands of years, I still thought “how hard can this be?” About twenty minutes with Kent’s book convinced me. This is really tough.

Amazon reports Data and Reality (3rd edition) as 200 pages long.

Looking at a hard copy I see:

  • Prefaces 17-34
  • Chapter 1 Entities 35-54
  • Chapter 2 The Nature of an Information System 55-67
  • Chapter 3 Naming 69-86
  • Chapter 4 Relationships 87-98
  • Chapter 5 Attributes 99-107
  • Chapter 6 Types and Categories and Sets 109-117
  • Chapter 7 Models 119-123
  • Chapter 8 The Record Model 125-137
  • Chapter 9 Philosophy 139-150
  • Bibliography 151-159
  • Index 161-162

Way less than the 200 pages promised by Amazon.

To ask a slightly different question:

“How hard can it be” to teach building data models?

A hard problem with no fixed solution?


September 3, 2012


Filed under: Design,Marketing — Patrick Durusau @ 7:12 pm

Sell-an-Elephant-to-your-Boss-HOWTO by Aurimas Mikalauskas.

From the post:

Spoiler alert: If your boss does not need an elephant, he is definitely NOT going to buy one from you. If he will, he will regret it and eventually you will too.

I must appologize to the reader who was expecting to find an advice on selling useless goods to his boss. While I do use a similar technique to get a quarterly raise (no, I don’t), this article is actually about convincing your team, your manager or anyone else who has influence over project’s priorities, that pending system performance optimizations are a priority (assuming, they indeed are). However this headline was not very catchy and way too long, so I decided to go with the elephant instead.

System performance optimization is what I do day to day here at Percona. Looking back at the duration of an optimization project, I find that with bigger companies (bigger here means it’s not a one-man show) it’s not the identification of performance problems that takes most of the time. Nor it is looking for the right solution. Biggest bottleneck in the optimization project is where solution gets approved and prioritized appropriately inside the company that came for performance optimization in the first place. Sometimes I would follow-up with the customer after a few weeks or a month just to find that nothing was done to implement suggested changes. When I would ask why, most of the time the answer is someting along those lines: my manager didn’t schedule/approve it yet.

I don’t want to say that all performance improvements are a priority and should be done right away, not at all. I want to suggest that you can check if optimizations at hand should be prioritized and if so – how to make it happen if you’re not the one who sets priorities.

Steps to follow:

  1. Estimate harm being done
  2. Estimate the cost of the solution
  3. Make it a short and clear statement
  4. Show the method
  5. The main problem
  6. The solution
  7. Overcome any obsticles
  8. Kick it off

I like number one (1) in particular.

If your client doesn’t feel a need, no amount of selling is going to make a project happen.

All steps to follow in any IT/semantic project.

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