Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP)
From the post:
The Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP) is a 3-year initiative (2013-2015) funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme. It aims to contribute to the removal of barriers hindering the effective sharing of data across scientific domains and international boundaries.
ODIP brings together 11 organizations from United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands, Greece and France with the objective to provide a forum to harmonise the diverse regional systems.
The First Workshop will take place from Monday 25 February 2013 to and including Thursday 28 February 2013. More information about the workshop at 1st ODIP Workshop.
From the workshop page, a listing of topics with links to further materials:
- Topic 1: Common vocabularies, their governance and applications
- Topic 2: Marine Metadata formats for discovery (ISO 19115/19139 profiles, DIF, FGDC, Dublin Core, Data Cites DOI kernel) and their related discovery services: e.g. in EU: CDI, CSR, EDIOS
- Topic 3: Metadata and data exchange mechanisms
- Topic 4: Data Formats: e.g. NetCDF (CF), ODV ASCII, etc. common approaches for time series, profiles, trajectories
- Topic 5: Observation & Measurements (O&M) metadata format (browse/use), SensorML for describing observatories and sensors and SWE applications (such as SOS)
- Topic 6: Existing implementations of standards and protocols (software tools, software libraries, server etc.) such as Thredds Data Server (TDS), Dapper, Oceanotron, Motu, SeaDataNet tools, R2R tools, Geo-Seas tools, GeoSciML applications
Gathering a snapshot of our present day semantic diversity is an extremely useful exercise. Whatever your ultimate choice for a “solution.”