is back on track by Simone Chiaretta
From the post:
More than 6 months ago I blogged about starting his path toward extinction. Soon after that, due to the “stubbornness” of the main committer, a few forks appeared, the biggest of which was by Troy Howard.
At the end of the year, despite the promises of the main committer of complying to the request of the Apache board by himself, nothing happened and went really close to be being shut down. But luckily, the same Troy Howard that forked a few months before, decided, together with a bunch of other volunteers, to resubmit the documents required by the Apache Board for starting a new project into the Apache Incubator; by the beginning of February the new proposal was voted for by the Board and the project re-entered the incubator.
If you are interested in search engines and have .Net skills (or want to acquire them), this would be a good place to start.