Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

July 17, 2012

Proposed urn:lex codes for US materials in MLZ

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 2:25 pm

Proposed urn:lex codes for US materials in MLZ

From the post:

The MLZ styles rely on a urn:lex-like scheme for specifying the jurisdiction of primary legal materials. We will need to have at least a minimal set of jurisdction codes in place for the styles to be functional. The scheme to be used for this purpose is the subject of this post.

The urn:lex scheme is used in MLZ for the limited purpose of identifying jurisdictional scope: it is not a full document identifier, and does not carry information on the issuing institution itself. Even within this limited scope, the MLZ scheme diverges from the examples provided by the Cornell LII Lexcraft pages, in that the “federal” level is expressed as a geographic scope (set off by a semicolon), rather than as a distinct category of jurisdiction (appended by a period).

Unfortunate software isn’t designed to use existing identification systems.

On the other hand, computer identification systems started when computers were even dumber than they are now. Legacy issue I suppose.

If you are interested in “additional” legal identifier systems, or in the systems that use them, this should be of interest.

Or if you need to map such urn:lex codes to existing identifiers for the same materials. The ones used by people.

I first saw this at Legal Informatics.

July 9, 2012

Verrier: Visualizations of the French Civil Code

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Visualization — Patrick Durusau @ 10:42 am

Verrier: Visualizations of the French Civil Code

Legal Informatics reports in part:

Jacques Verrier has posted two visualizations of the French Code civil:

Code civil – Cartographie [a video showing the evolution of the Code civil by means of network graphs]
Code civil des Français [a network graph of the structure of the Code civil linked to the full text of the code]

Being from the only “civilian” jurisdiction in the United States (Louisiana) and having practiced law there, I had to include this as a resource. In addition to it being a good illustration of visualizing important subject matter.

The post also points to a variety of visualizations of the United States case and statutory law.

June 29, 2012

Bruce: How Well Does Current Legislative Identifier Practice Measure Up?

Filed under: Identifiers,Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 3:15 pm

Bruce: How Well Does Current Legislative Identifier Practice Measure Up?

From Legal Informatics:

Tom Bruce of the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School (LII) has posted Identifiers, Part 3: How Well Does Current Practice Measure Up?, on LII’s new legislative metadata blog, Making Metasausage.

In this post, Tom surveys legislative identifier systems currently in use. He recommends the use of URIs for legislative identifiers, rather than URLs or URNs.

He cites favorably the URI-based identifier system that John Sheridan and Dr. Jeni Tennison developed for the system. Tom praises Sheridan’s (here) and Tennison’s (here and here) writings on legislative URIs and Linked Data.

Tom also praises the URI system implemented by Dr. Rinke Hoekstra in the Leibniz Center for Law‘s Metalex Document Server for facilitating point-in-time as well as point-in-process identification of legislation.

Tom concludes by making a series of recommendations for a legislative identifier system:

See the post for his recommendations (in case you are working on such a system) and for other links.

I would point out that existing legislation has identifiers from before it receives the “better” identifiers specified here.

And those “old” identifiers will have been incorporated into other texts, legal decisions and the like.


We can’t re-write existing identifiers so it’s a good thing topic maps accept subjects having identifiers, plural.

June 28, 2012

A Simple URL Shortener for Legal Materials:, by Ontolawgy

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources — Patrick Durusau @ 6:31 pm

A Simple URL Shortener for Legal Materials:, by Ontolawgy

Legal Informatics reports on a URL shortener for legal citations.

Not exactly the usual URL shortener, it produces a “human readable” URL for U.S. Congress, U.S. Public Laws, the U.S. Code, and the Federal Register citations.


U.S. Public Law 111-148


For a plain text version:
or L. 111-148 text

Human readable citation practices existed at the time of the design of URLs. Another missed opportunity that we are still paying for.

June 27, 2012

An API for European Union legislation

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 1:51 pm

An API for European Union legislation

From the webpage:

The API can help you conduct research, create data visualizations or you can even build applications upon it.

This is an application programming interface (API) that opens up core EU legislative data for further use. The interface uses JSON, meaning that you have easy to use machine-readable access to meta data on European Union legislation. It will be useful if you want to use or analyze European Union legislative data in a way that the official databases are not originally build for. The API extracts, organize and connects data from various official sources.

Among other things we have used the data to conduct research on the decision-making time*, analyze voting patterns*, measure the activity of Commissioners* and visualize the legislative integration process over time*, but you can use the API as you want to. When you use it to create something useful or interesting be sure to let us know, if you want to we can post a link to your project from this site.

For some non-apparent reason, the last paragraph has hyperlinks for the “*” characters. So that is not a typo, that is how it appears in the original text.

There are a large number of relationships captured by data accessible through this API. The sort of relationships that topic maps excel at handling.

I first saw this at: DZone: An API for European Union legislation

June 23, 2012

Fastcase Introduces e-Books, Beginning with Advance Sheets

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 4:07 pm

Fastcase Introduces e-Books, Beginning with Advance Sheets

From the post:

According to the Fastcase blog post, Fastcase advance sheets will be available “for each state, federal circuit, and U.S. Supreme Court”; will be free of charge and “licensed under [a] Creative Commons BY-SA license“; and will include summaries. Each e-Book Advance Sheet will contain “one month’s judicial opinions (designated as published and unpublished) for specific states or courts.”

According to Sean Doherty’s post, future Fastcase e-Books will include “e-book case reporters with official pagination and links” into the Fastcase database, as well as “topical reporters” on U.S. law, covering fields such as securities law and antitrust law.

According to the Fastcase blog post, Fastcase’s approach to e-Books is inspired in part by CALI‘s Free Law Reporter, which makes case law available as e-Books in EPUB format.

For details, see the links in the post at Legal Informatics.

I mention it because not only could you have “topical reporters” but information products that are tied to even narrower areas of case law.

Such as litigation that a firm has pending or very narrow areas of liability (for example) of interest to a particular client. Granting there are “case watch” resources in every trade zine, but hardly detailed enough to do more than “excite the base” as they say.

With curated content from a topic map application, rather than “exciting the base,” you could be sharpening the legal resources you can whistle up on behalf of your client. Increasing their appreciate and continued interest in representation by you.

June 12, 2012

how much of commonsense and legal reasoning is formalizable? A review of conceptual obstacles

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 2:19 pm

how much of commonsense and legal reasoning is formalizable? A review of conceptual obstacles by Jame Franklin.


Fifty years of effort in artificial intelligence (AI) and the formalization of legal reasoning have produced both successes and failures. Considerable success in organizing and displaying evidence and its interrelationships has been accompanied by failure to achieve the original ambition of AI as applied to law: fully automated legal decision-making. The obstacles to formalizing legal reasoning have proved to be the same ones that make the formalization of commonsense reasoning so difficult, and are most evident where legal reasoning has to meld with the vast web of ordinary human knowledge of the world. Underlying many of the problems is the mismatch between the discreteness of symbol manipulation and the continuous nature of imprecise natural language, of degrees of similarity and analogy, and of probabilities.

I haven’t (yet) been able to access a copy of this article.

From the abstract,

….mismatch between the discreteness of symbol manipulation and the continuous nature of imprecise natural language, of degrees of similarity and analogy, and of probabilities.

I suspect it will be useful reminder of the boundaries to formal information systems.

I first saw this at Legal Informatics: Franklin: How Much of Legal Reasoning Is Formalizable?

May 25, 2012

Bruce on Legislative Identifier Granularity

Filed under: Identifiers,Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 10:23 am

Bruce on Legislative Identifier Granularity

From the post:

In this post, Tom [Bruce] explores legislative identifier granularity, or the level of specificity at which such an identifier functions. The post discusses related issues such as the incorporation of semantics in identifiers; the use of “pure” (semantics-free) legislative identifiers; and how government agency authority and procedural rules influence the use, “persistence, and uniqueness” of identifiers. The latter discussion leads Tom to conclude that

a “gold standard” system of identifiers, specified and assigned by a relatively independent body, is needed at the core. That gold standard can then be extended via known, stable relationships with existing identifier systems, and designed for extensible use by others outside the immediate legislative community.

Interesting and useful reading.

Even though a “gold standard” of identifiers for something as dynamic as legislation, isn’t likely.

Or rather, isn’t going to happen.

There are too many stakeholders in present systems for any proposal to carry the day.

Not to mention decades, if not centuries, of references in other systems.

May 9, 2012

Crowdsourced Legal Case Annotation

Filed under: Annotation,Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 12:38 pm

Crowdsourced Legal Case Annotation

From the post:

This is an academic research study on legal informatics (information processing of the law). The study uses an online, collaborative tool to crowdsource the annotation of legal cases. The task is similar to legal professionals’ annotation of cases. The result will be a public corpus of searchable, richly annotated legal cases that can be further processed, analysed, or queried for conceptual annotations.

Adam and Wim are computer scientists who are interested in language, law, and the Internet.

We are inviting people to participate in this collaborative task. This is a beta version of the exercise, and we welcome comments on how to improve it. Please read through this blog post, look at the video, and get in contact.

Non-trivial annotation of complex source documents.

What you do with the annotations, such as create topic maps, etc. would be a separate step.

The early evidence for the enhancement of our own work, based on the work of others, Picking the Brains of Strangers…, should make this approach even more exciting.

PS: I saw this at Legal Informatics but wanted to point you directly to the source article.
Just musing for a moment but what if the conclusion on collaboration and access is that by restricting access we impoverish not only others, but ourselves as well?

Bruce on the Functions of Legislative Identifiers

Filed under: Identifiers,Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 12:06 pm

Bruce on the Functions of Legislative Identifiers

From Legal Informatics:

In this post, Tom [Bruce] discusses the multiple functions that legislative document identifiers serve. These include “unique naming,” “navigational reference,” “retrieval hook / container label,” “thread tag / associative marker,” “process milestone,” and several more.

A promised second post will examine issues of identifier design.

Enjoy and pass along!

May 8, 2012

@Zotero 4 Law and

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 3:39 pm

@Zotero 4 Law and

I don’t suppose one more legal resource from Legal Informatics for today will hurt anything. 😉

A post on MLZ (Multilingual Zotero), a legal research and citation processor. Operates as a plugin to Firefox.

Even if you don’t visit the original post, do watch the video on using MLZ. Not slick but you will see the potential that it offers.

It should also give you some ideas about user friendly interfaces and custom topic map applications.

New Version of Code of Federal Regulations Launched by Cornell LII

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Linked Data — Patrick Durusau @ 2:40 pm

New Version of Code of Federal Regulations Launched by Cornell LII

From Legal Informatics, news of improved access to the Code of Federal Regulations.

US Government site: Code of Federal Regulations.

Cornell LII site: Code of Federal Regulations

You tell me, which one do you like better?

Note that the Government Printing Office (GPO, originator of the “official” version), Cornell LII and the Cornell Law Library have been collaborating for the last two years to make this possible.

The Legal Informatics post has a summary of the new features. You won’t gain anything from my repeating them.

Cornell LII plans on using Linked Data so you can link into the site.

Being able to link into this rich resource will definitely be a boon to other legal resource sites and topic maps. (Despite the limitations of linked data.)

The complete announcement can be found here.

PS: Donate to support the Cornell LII project.

Mill: US Code Citation Extraction Library in JavaScript, with Node API

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 10:51 am

Mill: US Code Citation Extraction Library in JavaScript, with Node API

Legal Informatics brings news of new scripts by Eric Mill of Sunlight Labs to extract US Code citations in texts.

Legal citations being a popular means of identifying laws, these would be of interest for law related topic maps.

April 28, 2012


Filed under: Law - Sources,Standards,Web Applications — Patrick Durusau @ 6:09 pm


Have you seen this?

Leaving the obvious politics to one side, what interests me is the ability to add comments to legislation.

Thinking of it in the context of standards work, particularly for topic maps.

Standardized mappings for taxonomies sounds to me like a useful topic map type activity. Having the ability to comment and process comments on drafts in a public fashion, sounds good to me.


…such as the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL).

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Taxonomy,XBRL — Patrick Durusau @ 6:06 pm

Now there is a shout-out! Better than Steve Cobert or Jon Steward? Possibly, possibly. 😉

Where? The DATA act, recently passed by the House of Representatives (US), reads in part:

EXISTING DATA REPORTING STANDARDS.—In designating reporting standards under this subsection, the Commission shall, to the extent practicable, incorporate existing nonproprietary standards, such as the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). [Title 31, Section 3611(b)(3). Doesn’t really roll off the tongue does it?]

No guarantees but what do you think the odds are that XBRL will be used by the commission? (That’s what I thought.)

With that in mind:


Homepage for and apparently the starting point for all things XBRL. You will find the specifications, taxonomies, best practices and other materials on XBRL.

Enough reading material to keep you busy while waiting for organizations to adopt or to be required to adopt XBRL.

Topic maps are relevant to this transition for several reasons, among others:

  1. Some organizations will have legacy accounting systems that require mapping to XBRL.
  2. Even organizations that have transitioned to XBRL will have legacy data that has not.
  3. Transitions to XBRL by different organizations may not reflect the same underlying semantics.

April 27, 2012

Scout, in Open Beta

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 6:11 pm

Scout, in Open Beta

Eric Mill writes:

Scout is an alert system for the things you care about in state and national government. It covers Congress, regulations across the whole executive branch, and legislation in all 50 states.

You can set up notifications for new things that match keyword searches. Or, if you find a particular bill you want to keep up with, we can notify you whenever anything interesting happens to it — or is about to.

Just to emphasize, this is a beta – it functions well and looks good, but we’re really hoping to hear from the community on how we can make it stronger. You can give us feedback by using the Feedback link at the top of the site, or by writing directly to

Legal terminology variation between states plus the feds is going to make keyword searches iffy.

Will vary among areas of law.

Greatest variation in family and criminal law, least among some parts of commercial law.

Anyone know if there is a cross-index of terminology between the legal systems of the states?

April 24, 2012

Zotero – A Manual for Electronic Legal Referencing

Filed under: Law - Sources,Zotero — Patrick Durusau @ 7:16 pm

Zotero – A Manual for Electronic Legal Referencing by John Prebble and Julia Caldwell.

From the abstract:

This manual explains how to operate Zotero.

Zotero is a free, open-source referencing tool that operates by “enter once, use many”. It captures references by one-click acquisition from databases of legal materials that cooperate with it. Users enter other references manually, with similar effort to typing a footnote.

Zotero’s chief strength is multi-style flexibility. Authors build libraries of references that are pasted into scholarly work with one click; authors can choose between legal referencing styles, with Zotero automatically formatting references according to the chosen style. Ability to format seamlessly across a potentially unlimited number of styles distinguishes Zotero from competing referencing tools. Zotero afficionados regularly add more styles.

The present manual is thought to be the only full manual for non-technical users of Zotero. It employs the New Zealand referencing style for examples, but its principles are the same for all styles.

Probably better to say:

“This manual explains how to use Zotero for legal citations.” (And go ahead and put in the link to Zotero, which is a really nifty bit of software.)

Uses New Zealand law for examples.

Do you know if anyone has done U.S. law examples for Zotero?

BTW, Zotero does duplicate merging:

Zotero currently uses the title, DOI, and ISBN fields to determine duplicates. The algorithm will be improved in the future to incorporate other fields.

Zotero could be a light-weight way to get users to gather content for later import and improvement in a topic map. Worth checking out.

April 22, 2012

The Public Library of Law

Filed under: Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 7:06 pm

The Public Library of Law

From the website:

Searching the Web is easy. Why should searching the law be any different? That’s why Fastcase has created the Public Library of Law — to make it easy to find the law online. PLoL is one of the largest free law libraries in the world, because we assemble law available for free scattered across many different sites — all in one place. PLoL is the best starting place to find law on the Web.

Well…., yes, I suppose “[s]earching the Web is easy” but getting useful results is not.

Getting useful results from searching the law is even more difficult. Far more difficult.

The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (US Federal Courts) run just under one hundred pages (one sixty-eight (168) with forms). For law student there is The Law of Federal Courts, 7th Ed. by Charles A. Wright and Mary Kay Kane at ten (10) times that long and is a blizzard of case citations and detailed analysis. Professionals use Federal Practice and Procedure, Wright & Miller, which covers criminal and other aspects of federal procedure, at thirty-one volumes. A professional would also be using other resources of equal depth to Wright & Miller on relevant legal issues.

I fully support what the Public Library of Law is trying to do. But, want you to be aware that useful legal research requires more than finding language you like or happen to agree with. Perhaps more than most places, in law words don’t always mean what you think they mean. And vary from place to place more than you would expect.

Deeply fascinating reading awaits you but if you need legal advice, there is no substitute for consulting someone with professional training who reads the law everyday.

I have included the PLoL here because I think topic maps have a tremendous potential for legal research and practice.


  • Mapping case analysis, law, to pleadings, depositions, etc.
  • Mapping pleadings, motions, etc. to particular trial judges.
  • Mapping appeals decisions to particular trial judges and attorneys.
  • Mapping appeals decisions to detailed case facts.
  • Mapping appeals decisions to judges and attorneys.
  • Recording paths through depositions to other evidence.
  • Mapping different terminologies between witnesses.
  • Mapping portions of pleadings, discovery, etc., to specific facts, courts.
  • Harvesting anecdotal stories to create internal resources.
  • Or creating a service that offers one or more of these services to attorneys.

April 19, 2012

Building an AWS CloudSearch domain for the Supreme Court

Filed under: Amazon CloudSearch,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 7:20 pm

Building an AWS CloudSearch domain for the Supreme Court by Michael J Bommarito II.

Michael writes:

It should be pretty clear by now that two things I’m very interested in are cloud computing and legal informatics. What better way to show it than to put together a simple AWS CloudSearch tutorial using Supreme Court decisions as the context? The steps below should take you through creating a fully functional search domain on AWS CloudSearch for Supreme Court decisions.

A sure to be tweeted and read (at least among legal informatics types) introduction to AWS CloudSearch.

The source file only covers U.S. Supreme Court decisions announced by March of 2008. I am looking for later sources of information. And documentation on the tagging/metadata of the files.

April 8, 2012

Casellas et al. on Linked Legal Data: Improving Access to Regulatory Information

Filed under: Law - Sources,Legal Informatics,Linked Data — Patrick Durusau @ 4:21 pm

Casellas et al. on Linked Legal Data: Improving Access to Regulatory Information

From the post:

Dr. Núria Casellas of the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School, and colleagues, have posted Linked Legal Data: Improving Access to Regulatory Information, a poster presented at Bits on Our Mind (BOOM) 2012, held 4 April 2012 at the Cornell University Department of Computing and Information Science, in Ithaca, New York, USA.

Here are excerpts from the poster:

The application of Linked Open Data (LOD) principles to legal information (URI naming of resources, assertions about named relationships between resources or between resources and data values, and the possibility to easily extend, update and modify these relationships and resources) could offer better access and understanding of legal knowledge to individual citizens, businesses and government agencies and administrations, and allow sharing and reuse of legal information across applications, organizations and jurisdictions. […]

With this project, we will enhance access to the Code of Federal Regulations (a text with 96.5 million words in total; ~823MB XML file size) with an RDF dataset created with a number of semantic-search and retrieval applications and information extraction techniques based on the development and the reuse of RDF product taxonomies, the application of semantic matching algorithms between these materials and the CFR content (Syntactic and Semantic Mapping), the detection of product-related terms and relations (Vocabulary Extraction), obligations and product definitions (Definition and Obligations Extraction). […]

You know, lawyers always speculated if the “Avoid Probate” (for non-U.S. readers, a publication to help citizens avoid the use of lawyers for inheritance issues) were in fact shadow publications of the bar association to promote the use of lawyers.

You haven’t seen a legal mess until someone tries “self-help” in a legal context. Probably doubles if not triples the legal fees involved.

Still, this may be an interesting source of data for services for lawyers and foolhardy citizens.

I shudder though at the “sharing of legal information across jurisdictions.” In most of the U.S., a creditor can claim say a car where a mortgage is past due. Without going to court. In Louisiana, at least a number of years ago, there was another name for self-help repossession. It was called felony theft. Like I said, self-help when it comes to the law isn’t a good idea.

April 6, 2012

URN:LEX: New Version 06 Available

Filed under: Identifiers,Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 6:47 pm

URN:LEX: New Version 06 Available

From the purpose of the namespace “lex:”

The purpose of the “lex” namespace is to assign an unequivocal identifier, in standard format, to documents that are sources of law. To the extent of this namespace, “sources of law” include any legal document within the domain of legislation, case law and administrative acts or regulations; moreover potential “sources of law” (acts under the process of law formation, as bills) are included as well. Therefore “legal doctrine” is explicitly not covered.

The identifier is conceived so that its construction depends only on the characteristics of the document itself and is, therefore, independent from the document’s on-line availability, its physical location, and access mode.

This identifier will be used as a way to represent the references (and more generally, any type of relation) among the various sources of law. In an on-line environment with resources distributed among different Web publishers, uniform resource names allow simplified global interconnection of legal documents by means of automated hypertext linking.

If creating names just for law “sources” sounds like low-lying fruit to you, take some time to become familiar with the latest draft.

March 2, 2012

Call for Participation: OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) Technical Committee

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 8:04 pm

Call for Participation: OASIS LegalDocumentML (LegalDocML) Technical Committee

If you are interested in topic maps and legal documents, take note of the following:

Those wishing to become voting members of the committee must join by 22 March 2012.

The committee’s first meeting will be held 29 March 2012, by telephone.

Legal publishers take particular note if your publication system is using other formats.

Topic maps can provide mappings between the deliverables of this TC and your current format.

How large that step will be, will depend on the outcome of TC deliberations. Participation in the TC may influence those deliberations.

Let me know if you need more information.

March 1, 2012

Paper vs. Electronic Brick, What’s the Difference?

Filed under: Books,eBooks,Law,Law - Sources — Patrick Durusau @ 9:01 pm

I think the comparison that Elmer Masters is looking for in The Future of The (Case)Book Is The Web, is paper vs. electronic brick, what’s the difference?

He writes:

Recently there has been an explosion of advances in the ebook arena. New tools, new standards and formats, and new platforms seem to be coming out every day. The rush to get books into an “e” format is on, but does it make a real difference?

The “e” versions of books offer little in the way of improvement over the print version of the same book. Sure, these new formats provide a certain increase in accessibility over print by running on devices that are lighter than print books and allow for things like increasing font size, but there is little else. It is, after all, just a matter of reading the same text on some sort of screen instead of paper.

Markelaw school booksters will tell you that the Kindle, Nook, iPad, and various software readers are the future of the book, an evolutionary, if not revolutionary, step in reading and learning. But that does not ring true. These platforms are really just another form for print. So now beside hard cover and paperback, you can get the same content on any number of electronic platforms. Is that so revolutionary? Things like highlighting and note taking are just replications of the analog versions. Like their analog counterparts, notes and highlights on these platforms are typically locked to the hardware or software reader, no better than the highlights and margin notes of print books. These are just closed platforms, “e” or print, just silos of information.

Unlocking the potential of a book that is locked to a specific platform requires moving the book to an open platform with no real limits like the web. On the web the the book is suddenly expansive. Anything that you can do on the web, you can do with a book. As an author, reader, student, teacher, scholar; anything is possible with a book that is on the open web. The potential for linking, including external material, use of media, note taking, editing, markup, remixing are opened without the bounds of a specific reader platform. A book as a website provides the potential for unlimited customization that will work across any hardware platform.

If you have ever seen a print version of a law school casebook, you know what I mean by “paper brick.”

If you have a Kindle, Nook, etc., with a law school casebook, you know what I mean by “electronic brick.”

The latter is smaller, lighter, can carry more content, but it is still a brick, albeit an electronic one.

Elmer’s moniker “website” covers an HTML engine that serves out topic map augmented content.

We have all seen topic map engines that export to HTML output.

What about specifying HTML authoring that is by default the equivalent to the export a topic map?

And tools that automatically capture such website content and “merge” it with other specified content? A “point and click” interface for authors.

All from the FWB (Friendly Web Browser). 😉

February 28, 2012

Juriscraper: A New Tool for Scraping Court Websites

Filed under: Law,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 8:43 pm

Juriscraper: A New Tool for Scraping Court Websites

Legalinformatics reports a new tool for scraping court websites.

I understand the need for web scraping tools but fail to understand why public data sources make it necessary? It is getting to where it is a fairly trivia exercise so it is only impeding access, not denying it.

Not that denying access is acceptable but at least it would be an understandable motivation. To try knowing you are going to fail makes you look dumb. Perhaps that is its reward.

December 26, 2011

From Information to Knowledge: On Line Access to Legal Information

Filed under: Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 8:18 pm

From Information to Knowledge: On Line Access to Legal Information

Collection of pointers to slides, abstracts and some papers on access to legal information, including classification, ontologies, reports on experiences with current systems, etc.

Focused on Europe and “open access” to legal materials.

Maybe useful background information for discussions about topic map and legal materials.

December 17, 2011

Content Analysis

Filed under: Content Analysis,Law - Sources,Legal Informatics,Text Analytics — Patrick Durusau @ 6:33 am

Content Analysis by Michael Heise.

From the post:

Dan Katz (MSU) let me know about a beta release of new website, Legal Language Explorer, that will likely interest anyone who does content analysis as well as those looking for a neat (and, according to Jason Mazzone, addictive) toy to burn some time. The site, according to Dan, allows users: “the chance [free of charge] to search the history of the United States Supreme Court (1791-2005) for any phrase and get a frequency plot and the full text case results for that phrase.” Dan also reports that the developers hope to expand coverage beyond Supreme Court decisions in the future.

The site needs a For Amusement Only sticker. Legal language changes over time and probably no place more so than in Supreme Court decisions.

It was a standing joke in law school that the bar association sponsored the “Avoid Probate” sort of books. If you really want to incur legal fees, just try self-help. Same is true for this site. Use it to argue with your friends, settle bets during football games, etc. Don’t rely on it during night time, road side encounters with folks carrying weapons and radios to summons help. (police)

November 25, 2011

CALI – eBooks for Legal Education

Filed under: Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 4:28 pm

CALI – eBooks for Legal Education

CALI is a center for projects to make legal materials freely available.

A recent example would be the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and the Federal Rules of Evidence in free ebook form.

All three of which could be mapped into current case law streams, or other topic map type projects.

If you are interested in law and topic map type projects, CALI would be a good starting point for inquiries into what is needed the most.

PS: If you can, please join CALI to support their work.

September 28, 2011

The Free Law Reporter – Open Access to the Law and Beyond

Filed under: Law - Sources,Legal Informatics — Patrick Durusau @ 7:33 pm

The Free Law Reporter – Open Access to the Law and Beyond

From the post:

Like many projects, the Free Law Reporter (FLR) started out as way to scratch an itch for ourselves. As a publisher of legal education materials and developer of legal education resources, CALI finds itself doing things with the text of the law all the time. Our open casebook project, eLangdell, is the most obvious example.

The theme of the 2006 Conference for Law School Computing was “Rip, Mix, Learn” and first introduced the idea of open access casebooks and what later became the eLangdell project. At the keynote talk I laid out a path to open access electronic casebooks using public domain case law as a starting point. On the ebook front, I was a couple of years early.

The basic idea was that casebooks were made up of cases (mostly) and that it was a fairly obvious idea to give the full text of cases to law faculty so that they could write their own casebooks and deliver them to their students electronically via the Web or as PDF files. This was before the Amazon Kindle and Apple iPad legitimized the ebook marketplace.

The Free Law Reporter is currently working on a Solr-based application to handle searching of all the case law they publish.

It has always seemed to me that the law is one of those areas that just crys out for the use of topic maps. The main problem being finding territory that isn’t already mostly occupied with current solutions. Such as linking law to case files (done). Linking depositions together and firms to do the encoding/indexing (done). Linking work to billing department (probably came first).

Sharing data/legal analysis? Across systems? That might be of interest in public interest or large class action suits.

September 22, 2011

…Link Analysis on EU Case Law

Filed under: Law - Sources,Legal Informatics,Relevance — Patrick Durusau @ 6:13 pm

Malmgren: Towards a Theory of Jurisprudential Relevance Ranking – Using Link Analysis on EU Case Law

From the post:

Staffan Malmgren of Stockholm University and the free access to law service of Sweden,, has posted his Master’s thesis, Towards a Theory of Jurisprudential Relevance Ranking – Using Link Analysis on EU Case Law (2011). Here is the abstract:

Staffan is going to be posting his thesis a chapter at a time to solicit feedback on it.

Any takers?

September 12, 2011

Linking linked data to U.S. law

Filed under: Law - Sources,Linked Data — Patrick Durusau @ 8:27 pm

Linking linked data to U.S. law

Bob DuCharme does an excellent job of covering resources that will help you create meaningful links to US court decisions, laws and regulations.

That will be useful for readers/researchers but I can’t shake the feeling that it is very impoverished linking.

You can link out to a court decision, law or regulation but you can’t say why, in any computer processable way, a link is being made.

Even worse, if I start from the court decision, law or regulation, all I can search for are invocations of that court decision, law or regulation, but I won’t know why it was being invoked.

There are specialized resources in the legal community (Shepard’s Citations) that alter that result but the need for general solution of more robust linking remains.

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