A million answers to twenty questions: choosing by checklist Authors: Michael Mandler , Paola Manzini , Marco Mariotti, Keywords: Bounded rationality, utility maximization, choice function, lexicographic utility.
Checklist users can in effect perform a binary search, which makes the number of preference discriminations they make an exponential function of the number of properties that they use. As a result, an agent who makes a 1,000,000 preference discriminations needs a checklist that is just 20 properties long.
Substitute “identity” for “preference.”
- How many discriminations are necessary to identify a subject?
- Does the order of discrimination matter?
- What properties discriminate more than others?
- Do the answers to 1-3 vary by domain? If so, in what way?
Empirical question, unlike ontologies, classifications, cataloging, the answers come from users.