Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

January 10, 2018

Email Spam from Congress

Filed under: Government,Journalism,News — Patrick Durusau @ 10:40 am

Receive an Email when a Member of Congress has a New Remark Printed in the Congressional Record by Robert Brammer.

From the post: alerts are emails sent to you when a measure (bill or resolution), nomination, or member profile has been updated with new information. You can also receive an email after a Member has new remarks printed in the Congressional Record. Here are instructions on how to get an email after a Member has new remarks printed in the Congressional Record….

My blog title is unfair to Brammer, who isn’t responsible for the lack of meaningful content in Member remarks printed in the Congressional Record.

Local news outlets reprint such remarks, as does the national media, whether those remarks are grounded in any shared reality or not. Secondary education classes on current events, reporting, government, where such remarks are considered meaningful, are likely to find this useful.

Another use, assuming mining of prior remarks from the Congressional Record, would be in teaching NLP techniques. Highly unlikely you will discover anything new but it will be “new to you” and the result of your own efforts.

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