Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 25, 2017

A (somewhat) Shallower On-Ramp for Emacs

Filed under: Editor,Emacs,Lisp — Patrick Durusau @ 8:56 pm

Using Emacs – Introduction by Mike Zamansky.

From the webpage:

I’m sure I’ve mentioned that I’ve been an Emacs wonk for decades. Since the mid-80’s in fact. I’ve spent time using other editors, word processors, and development tools but always find my way back.

I recommend that budding computer science students develop a good tool set and encourage them to explore Emacs but while it’s pretty easy to load Emacs and find your way around, particularly if you use the mouse and menus there isn’t a clear path to take you from beginner to using it as an efficient tool let alone customizing it.

Inspired by Mattias Petter Johansson, or MPJ who make a weekly video, I decided to try to create a series of YouTube videos and matching blog posts. I’ll try to post one a week and I’ll try to keep the videos, at least after the first couple to just a few minutes and have them focus on micro-habits – one or two small things that you can bring to your work flow and internalize.

I say “somewhat” shallower because Zamansky presumes you have completed the basic Emacs tutorial (Meta-? t).

After completing the Emacs tutorial, start the Using Emacs Series of thirty-eight (38) videos.

The season of repetitive Christmas “classics” is upon us, making the Using Emacs Series even more welcome. (An observation for the US. I’m not familiar with mindless holiday television schedules in other countries. Consult your local curmudgeon.)

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