Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 9, 2017

Shopping for the Intelligence Community (IC) [Needl]

Filed under: Government,Intelligence — Patrick Durusau @ 10:54 am

The holiday season in various traditions has arrived for 2018!

With it returns the vexing question: What to get for the Intelligence Community (IC)?

They have spent all year violating your privacy, undermining legitimate government institutions, supporting illegitimate governments, mocking any notion of human rights and siphoning government resources that could benefit the public for themselves and their contractors.

The excesses of your government’s intelligence agencies will be special to you but in truth, they are all equally loathsome and merit some acknowledgement at this special time of the year.

Needl is a gift for the intelligence community this holiday season and one that can keep on giving all year long.

Take back your privacy. Lose yourself in the haystack.

Your ISP is most likely tracking your browsing habits and selling them to marketing agencies (albeit anonymised). Or worse, making your browsing history available to law enforcement at the hint of a Subpoena. Needl will generate random Internet traffic in an attempt to conceal your legitimate traffic, essentially making your data the Needle in the haystack and thus harder to find. The goal is to make it harder for your ISP, government, etc to track your browsing history and habits.

…(graphic omitted)

Implemented modules:

  • Google: generates a random search string, searches Google and clicks on a random result.
  • Alexa: visits a website from the Alexa Top 1 Million list. (warning: contains a lot of porn websites)
  • Twitter: generates a popular English name and visits their profile; performs random keyword searches
  • DNS: produces random DNS queries from the Alexa Top 1 Million list.
  • Spotify: random searches for Spotify artists

Module ideas:

  • WhatsApp
  • Facebook Messenger

… (emphasis in original)

Not for people with metered access but otherwise, a must for home PCs and enterprise PC farms.

No doubt annoying but running Needl through Tor, with a list of trigger words/phrases, searches for explosives, viruses, CBW topics with locations, etc. would create festive blinking red lights for the intelligence community.

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