Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 15, 2017

A Docker tutorial for reproducible research [Reproducible Reporting In The Future?]

Filed under: R,Replication,Reporting,Science — Patrick Durusau @ 10:07 am

R Docker tutorial: A Docker tutorial for reproducible research.

From the webpage:

This is an introduction to Docker designed for participants with knowledge about R and RStudio. The introduction is intended to be helping people who need Docker for a project. We first explain what Docker is and why it is useful. Then we go into the the details on how to use it for a reproducible transportable project.

Six lessons, instructions for installing Docker, plus zip/tar ball of the materials. What more could you want?

Science has paid lip service to the idea of replication of results for centuries but with the sharing of data and analysis, reproducible research is becoming a reality.

Is reproducible reporting in the near future? Reporters preparing their analysis and releasing raw data and their extraction methods?

Or will selective releases of data, when raw data is released at all, continue to be the norm?

Please let @ICIJorg know how you feel about data hoarding, #ParadisePapers, #PanamaPapers, when data and code sharing are becoming the norm in science.

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