Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 30, 2015

Sorting Slightly Soiled Data (Or The Danger of Perfect Example Data) – XQuery

Filed under: XML,XQuery — Patrick Durusau @ 8:19 pm

Continuing with the data from my post: Great R packages for data import, wrangling & visualization [+ XQuery], I have discovered the dangers of perfect example data!

The XQuery examples on sorting that I have read either enclose strings in quotes and/or have strings with no whitespaces.

How often to you see strings with no whitespaces? Outside of highly constrained environments?

Why is that a problem?

Well, take a look at my results from sorting on the short description and displaying the short description first and the package name second:

package development, package installation devtools
misc installr
data import readxl
data import, data export googlesheets
data import RMySQL
data import readr
data import, data export rio
data analysis psych
data wrangling, data analysis sqldf
data import, data wrangling jsonlite
data import, data wrangling XML
data import, data visualization, data analysis quantmod
data import, web scraping rvest
data wrangling, data analysis dplyr
data wrangling plyr
data wrangling reshape2
data wrangling tidyr
data wrangling, data analysis data.table
data wrangling stringr
data wrangling lubridate
data wrangling, data analysis zoo
data display editR
data display knitr
data display, data wrangling listviewer
data display DT
data visualization ggplot2
data visualization dygraphs
data visualization googleVis
data visualization metricsgraphics
data visualization RColorBrewer
data visualization plotly
mapping leaflet
mapping choroplethr
mapping tmap
misc fitbitScraper
Web analytics rga
Web analytics RSiteCatalyst
package development roxygen2
data visualization shiny
misc openxlsx
data wrangling, data analysis gmodels
data wrangling car
data visualization rcdimple
data wrangling foreach
data acquisition downloader
data wrangling scales
data visualization plotly

Err, that’s not right!

The XQuery from yesterday:

  1. xquery version “1.0”;
  2. <html>
  3. <table>{
  4. for $row in doc(“/home/patrick/working/favorite-R-packages.xml”)/table/tr
  5. order by lower-case(string($row/td[1]/a))
  6. return <tr>{$row/td[1]} {$row/td[2]}</tr>
  7. }</table>
  8. </html>

XQuery from today, changes in red:

  1. xquery version “1.0”;
  2. <html>
  3. <table>{
  4. for $row in doc(“/home/patrick/working/favorite-R-packages.xml”)/table/tr
  5. order by lower-case(string($row/td[2]/a))
  6. return <tr>{$row/td[2]} {$row/td[1]}</tr>
  7. }</table>
  8. </html>

First, how do you explain the failure? Looks like no sort order at all.

Truthfully it does have a sort order, just not the one you expected. The results appear in document sort order, as they appeared in the document.

Here’s a snippet of that document:

<td><a href="" target="_new">devtools</a></td>
<td>package development, package installation</td>
<td>While devtools is aimed at helping you create your own R packages, it's also 
essential if you want to easily install other packages from GitHub. Install it! 
Requires <a href="" target="_new">
Rtools</a> on Windows and <a href="" 
target="_new">XCode</a> on a Mac. On CRAN.</td>
<td>Hadley Wickham & others</td>
<td><a href="" target="_new">installr</a>
<td>Windows only: Update your installed version of R from within R. On CRAN.</td>
<td>Tal Galili & others</td>
<td><a href="" target="_new">readxl</a>
</td><td>data import</td>
<td>Fast way to read Excel files in R, without dependencies such as Java. CRAN.</td>
<td>read_excel("my-spreadsheet.xls", sheet = 1)</td>
<td>Hadley Wickham</td>

I haven’t run the problem entirely to ground but as you can see from the output:

data import, data wrangling jsonlite
data import, data wrangling XML
data import, data visualization, data analysis quantmod

Most of the descriptions have spaces, not to mention “,” separating categories.

It is always possible to clean up the data but I want to avoid that if at all possible.

Cleaning data involves the risk I may change the data and once changed, I may not be able to go back to the original.

I can think of at least two (2) ways to fix this problem but want to sleep on it first and pick that can be easily adapted to the next soiled data that comes through the door.

PS: Neither Saxon (9.7), nor BaseX (8.3) gave any error messages at the console for the failure of the sort request.

You could say that document order is about as large an error message as can be given. 😉

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