Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 29, 2015

arXiv Sanity Preserver

Filed under: Computer Science,Searching,Similarity,Similarity Retrieval,TF-IDF — Patrick Durusau @ 4:07 pm

arXiv Sanity Preserver by Andrej Karpathy.

From the webpage:

There are way too many arxiv papers, so I wrote a quick webapp that lets you search and sort through the mess in a pretty interface, similar to my pretty conference format.

It’s super hacky and was written in 4 hours. I’ll keep polishing it a bit over time perhaps but it serves its purpose for me already. The code uses Arxiv API to download the most recent papers (as many as you want – I used the last 1100 papers over last 3 months), and then downloads all papers, extracts text, creates tfidf vectors for each paper, and lastly is a flask interface for searching through and filtering similar papers using the vectors.

Main functionality is a search feature, and most useful is that you can click “sort by tfidf similarity to this”, which returns all the most similar papers to that one in terms of tfidf bigrams. I find this quite useful.


You can see this rather remarkable tool online at:

Beyond its obvious utility for researchers, this could be used as a framework for experimenting with other similarity measures.


I first saw this in a tweet by Lynn Cherny.

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