Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

November 8, 2015

600 websites about R [How to Avoid Duplicate Content?]

Filed under: Indexing,R,Searching — Patrick Durusau @ 9:44 pm

600 websites about R by Laetitia Van Cauwenberge.

From the post:

Anyone interested in categorizing them? It could be an interesting data science project, scraping these websites, extracting keywords, and categorizing them with a simple indexation or tagging algorithm. For instance, some of these blogs cater about stats, or Bayesian stats, or R libraries, or R training, or visualization, or anything else. This indexation technique was used here to classify 2,500 data science websites. For web crawling tutorials, click here or here.

BTW, Laetitia lists, with links, all 600 R sites.

How many of those R sites will you visit?

Or will you scan the list for your site or your favorite R site?

For that matter, how duplicated content are you going to find at those R sites?

All have some unique content, but neither an index nor classification will help you find unique content.

Thinking of this as a potential data science experiment, we have a list of 600 sites with content related to R.

What would be your next step towards avoiding duplicated content?

By what criteria would you judge “success” in avoiding duplicate content?

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