Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

September 2, 2015

XQuery Exercise

Filed under: XQuery — Patrick Durusau @ 6:54 pm

I was reading a collection of resources on XQuery by Joe Wicentowski (more on that below) when I stumbled on one in particular:

XQuery Questions on Stack Overflow.

Although the examples in slides, books and blog posts are going to be helpful (most of them anyway), they are after all, examples. There are no false steps, solutions work, etc.

Reading XQuery questions on Stack Overflow will be like real life. You will hear unexpected questions to which you don’t know the answer. (OK, for some people that’s rare but it does happen.)

Even if you can’t answer the questions, now, spend a little time trying to puzzle out how it could be answered. Then check your suspicions or answer against those that are posted.

Using the XQuery questions on Stack Overflow that way will do several important things:

  1. You will become familiar with a variety of XQuery resources.
  2. You will see how experienced XQuery users answer XQuery questions.
  3. Over time you will become a contributing member of the XQuery community (if you aren’t already).

Joe has lists of other XQuery resources:

Resources built on or with XQuery

Resources for learning XQuery

GitHub repositories with XQuery

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