Another Word For It Patrick Durusau on Topic Maps and Semantic Diversity

December 6, 2014

Tesser: Another Level of Indirection

Filed under: Clojure,MapReduce — Patrick Durusau @ 3:55 pm

Tesser: Another Level of Indirection by Kyle Kingsbury.

Slides for Kyle’s presentation at

From the presentation description:

Clojure’s sequence library and the threading macro make lazy sequence operations like map, filter, and reduce composable, and their immutable semantics allow efficient re-use of intermediate results. Core.reducers combine multiple map, filter, takes, et al into a single *fold*, taking advantage of stream fusion–and in the upcoming Clojure 1.7, transducers abstract away the underlying collection entirely.

I’ve been working on concurrent folds, where we sacrifice some order in exchange for parallelism. Tesser generalizes reducers to a two-dimensional fold: concurrent reductions over independent chunks of a sequence, and a second reduction over those values. Higher-order fold combinators allow us to build up faceted data structures which compute many properties of a dataset in a single pass. The same fold can be run efficiently on multicore systems or transparently distributed–e.g. over Hadoop.

Heavy wading but definitely worth the effort.

BTW, how do you like the hand drawn slides? I ask because I am toying with the idea of a graphics tablet for the Linux box.

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